Planting carrots in soil used for potatoes??


Feb 24, 2022
I am hoping a more experienced grower can help me here.
We have beds that grew potatoes last year. We had a bad growing year and the potatoes weren’t even the type we wanted so some were just left in the bed until 2 weeks ago.
(What to do with all these potatoes??)

I’ve bought carrot seeds that are supposed to be planted in February, wondering if I can throw them in the bed that was used for the potatoes? I also bought carrot seeds for later planting.

I have a compost pile that hasn’t fully broken down- should I grab some of the broken down stuff and throw it on top?
Or do I just plant elsewhere?

It’s my first year really trying last year I just threw some seeds down and hoped for the best!

I’ve also bought cabbage,lettuce, squash, kale, beetroot, broccoli,sweetcorn, oregano,parsley, marjoram, chamomile, cauliflower and goji berry seeds.

No idea what I’m doing with any of the above yet! If anyone has advice to share I’m open.
I will probably update this thread on what I decide to plant where and what from the above actually works for me.
What @sourland said. If there are no potatoes left, it should be fine (if all other factors are copacetic). They both like the same kind of soil.

My best resource for gardening is my neighbors. They know the soil and the ins and outs of the zone, lighting, etc. The Master Gardeners' Assoc. in our county is amazing, too. You might see if there is a similar group in your area Also, the Old Farmer's Almanac website has a pretty good planting calendar and planner.
What @sourland said. If there are no potatoes left, it should be fine (if all other factors are copacetic). They both like the same kind of soil.

My best resource for gardening is my neighbors. They know the soil and the ins and outs of the zone, lighting, etc. The Master Gardeners' Assoc. in our county is amazing, too. You might see if there is a similar group in your area Also, the Old Farmer's Almanac website has a pretty good planting calendar and planner.
Yup all potatoes are out!
I live on over an acre, fields all around occupied by cows, one field nearby is used for growing grain.
Despite living in the countryside no one around here grows very much
I am hoping a more experienced grower can help me here.
We have beds that grew potatoes last year. We had a bad growing year and the potatoes weren’t even the type we wanted so some were just left in the bed until 2 weeks ago.
(What to do with all these potatoes??)

I’ve bought carrot seeds that are supposed to be planted in February, wondering if I can throw them in the bed that was used for the potatoes? I also bought carrot seeds for later planting.

I have a compost pile that hasn’t fully broken down- should I grab some of the broken down stuff and throw it on top?
Or do I just plant elsewhere?

It’s my first year really trying last year I just threw some seeds down and hoped for the best!

I’ve also bought cabbage,lettuce, squash, kale, beetroot, broccoli,sweetcorn, oregano,parsley, marjoram, chamomile, cauliflower and goji berry seeds.

No idea what I’m doing with any of the above yet! If anyone has advice to share I’m open.
I will probably update this thread on what I decide to plant where and what from the above actually works for me.
Yes, it will work. Don’t overdo nitrogen for root crops. Ok to fertilize, but not with heavy nitrogen bc you are after the root, not the leaves.

Where, in general, are you located? For certain, I won’t be planting carrots until May as I am in central Ohio.

We’ve had lots of success with carrots. We plant some in the tomato bed as carrots do well with tomatoes, and benefit from some of the shade. We also plant in a raised bed, with beans (bush type) or beets along the edges, then carrots in the middle. The carrots like some shade, plus they don’t dry out so quickly in the middle of the bed.

Cabbage and cauliflower and broccoli are heavy feeders, so enhance the soil before planting, and feed weekly or every other week.

Squash - a little dependent on what kind you are growing. Here, I have trouble with squash bugs (but not a big deal if numbers are low), and squash vine borer- which will kill a plant.
Yes, it will work. Don’t overdo nitrogen for root crops. Ok to fertilize, but not with heavy nitrogen bc you are after the root, not the leaves.

Where, in general, are you located? For certain, I won’t be planting carrots until May as I am in central Ohio.

We’ve had lots of success with carrots. We plant some in the tomato bed as carrots do well with tomatoes, and benefit from some of the shade. We also plant in a raised bed, with beans (bush type) or beets along the edges, then carrots in the middle. The carrots like some shade, plus they don’t dry out so quickly in the middle of the bed.

Cabbage and cauliflower and broccoli are heavy feeders, so enhance the soil before planting, and feed weekly or every other week.

Squash - a little dependent on what kind you are growing. Here, I have trouble with squash bugs (but not a big deal if numbers are low), and squash vine borer- which will kill a plant.
Great thanks
I’m in Ireland
Very informative thank you.
It’s Squash Violina- I honestly don’t know a lot about squash never even eaten it 😂
I would recommend planting beans and lettuce after potatoes, there could be grubs in there that can decimate your root vegetable crop. You can also plant squash and tomatoes.

I planted violina squash two years ago. Make sure you have lots of pollinators so it grows to it's full potential. Plant lots of early blooming flowers.
Great thanks
I’m in Ireland
Very informative thank you.
It’s Squash Violina- I honestly don’t know a lot about squash never even eaten it 😂
squash violina shows up in a google search as a Butternut type, also known as Winter squash. It is in the Moschata group of squashes. There are a few groups of squash, and they will not cross pollinate between groups, but they will cross pollinate within a group.

Here is what Wikipedia lists as in the Moschata group:
Screen Shot 2023-02-09 at 10.55.26 AM.png

I love butternut squash - I often make it into a pureed soup.
Yup all potatoes are out!
I live on over an acre, fields all around occupied by cows, one field nearby is used for growing grain.
Despite living in the countryside no one around here grows very much
look at companion planting... after a disastrous first planting last year - this time ive looked up resource that will tell me what i can plant for my area and Ive amended the soil with compost , my husnand tilled the soil and i am keeping notebook on which plant seed goes in first. my main problems here are blight, cutworms, and nighttime chewing rascals that can come in thru gate. not to mention scorching heat starting sooner than anywhere else and flooding rains in the summer (rot & fungal issues). I am going to try to really look at the needs of each plant to try to get good yields...but hooefully weatger cooperates too! going to even try sweet potatoes again. Good luck to you fellow Gardner!

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