Please any insight is appreciated!! Eye infection or something more serious?


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2023
Hello everyone, I could use some guidance/advice. I have one hen, about 9 months old, that isn’t doing great. A few weeks ago, I noticed her one eye was super swollen/crusty and looked severely infected. She also had diarrhea. I took her to the vet, they prescribed an antibiotic, an anti-inflammatory, and terramycin. It’s been tough getting her to take her medicine(pills), I've been adding it to her food/giving it with watermelon. It’s been about 2 weeks now and the eye does look better (also using vetericyn eye wash), but it still has a grey/white haze and has a white looking dot in it. I have had her in isolation, which has resulted in severe weight loss, so I did let her free range with the other chickens for a little, but now I am worried this is something more serious. She still has diarrhea and hasn’t been laying any eggs. It does seem like she has somewhat of an appetite, she drinks water, but she is so so thin. I know stress can also cause these this, but any insight to this would be helpful, i've never had a sick chicken and I feel like im doing everything I can to help, but maybe someone has some more advice/experience and can help me. The other chickens seem fine and are laying as normal! I will attach photos. The first photo is when her eye issue was noticed, the second is right before the vet, and the third is what it looks like now(photo with flash). Her other eye looks normal.


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What antibiotic did the vet prescribe?

Hard to see the white dot, is that pus? If it is, then it needs to be removed in order for the eye to begin healing.

Flush the eye generously with your wash or saline, press out/remove any pus you see, then apply the Terramycin ointment into the eye.

To give pills, hold the hen to your body or swaddle her in a towel to capture her wings. Pull down on the wattles to open the beak and put the pill into the beak, immediately let go of the wattles so she can swallow the pill.

Since you've been adding the meds to her feed, is she eating it all/getting her whole dose each time?

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