
Elspeth Dinsmore

Mar 25, 2024
I have an eight and a half month old Buff Orpington (her name is Leeli) that is egg bound. She is panting and can barely stay awake. She can't stand up and doesn't have any balance. She is exhausted.
I brought her inside and she passed some egg yolk. That confirmed my fears.
We soaked her in epsom salt and gave her some tums.
I followed some instructions I found on other threads and reached inside to try and help anything stuck come out. I think she has an egg that is soft-shelled. The egg won't come out. She pushed several times but to no avail. Little bits of egg yolk come out every once in a while. It seems like it may be prolapsed? But I don't even know exactly what that is.
We even tried using a syringe to inject a solution into her vent (1 TBs white vinegar to 1 qt of water).
My mom is running out to the store to get some other supplies.
My whole family is frantically searching for what to do to help her. I'm honestly at my wits end and completely exhausted. Is there anything I can do or will she die? Does anyone have advice for me to try? I love my chickie so much.


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Prolapse vent looks like intestines hanging out the back. Usually blood too.
She bled a little bit but not a lot. Part of her vent seemed to come out when she tried to push the egg out. I pushed it back inside and it stayed. I'm new to chicken keeping, so I don't know exactly what to look for.
Not sure at all this is right. But when horses or dogs cats or people get constipated. They do an oil/ water up rear. Maybe worth a try? Oil will definitely make things slippery.
Pictures? I’ll tag some folks for advice, but she needs to be given calcium if she’s egg bound. Prolapse is pretty obvious, I don’t think she has that. I hope she’ll be ok.
@Wyorp Rock
I'm Elspeth's sister. I had found an article saying which calcium was best. We had fed her some Tums, but that is calcium carbonate which I guess is harder to digest? My mom is getting calcium citrate at the store right now to give as soon as we can. Will that help? Would you happen to know a good dosage?

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