poop boards

I have a question for everyone using poop boards under their roots.
right now I am using stall fresh from TS,
on the poop board kinda costly, what are you using on your boards? I thought about sand,
I look forward to your responses
I used a mix of sand/PDZ initially but the sand made it really dusty so I switched to all PDZ.
Then I switched to coffee ground bedding which was my favorite as it was much lighter, not at all dusty and about 1/3 the cost. But I recently discovered it is a seasonal offering. So I'm switching back to PDZ until the spring when I can get the coffee ground bedding again and stock up enough to last a year.
I have a question for everyone using poop boards under their roots.
right now I am using stall fresh from TS,
on the poop board kinda costly, what are you using on your boards? I thought about sand,
I look forward to your responses
I personally don't use anything. This is partially to me waiting to see what would make the most sense. I live in a pretty dry climate. The poop dries almost instantly. I wait until the poop builds up, and use a drywall scraper to remove. I barely put any effort into scraping. The plywood I use as a poop board is well weathered and is holding up very well. PDZ is a good idea though, and I have plenty of it.

Another point is that I have my roost bars positioned so the chickens can't really walk on the poop board, so they keep their feet off it 90% of the time.
thanks for all the replies.
I clean the poop boards using cat litter scoop also, I clean them every morning so there's no build up Orr smell, is PDZ the same as stall fresh?
Yes it’s a he same thing. I don’t add sand to my PDZ only because any sand I’ve ever bought for dust bathing is always wet. It takes forever to dry just a few scoopfulls for dust bathing. I can’t fry it fast enough to use regularly on the poop board.

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