processing 1 year old pekin ducks?


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
central ohio
I have 2 1 yo old male pekin ducks that refuse to eat(picked them up from someone trying to be rid of them last wednesday) and this person won't respond to my emails about the fact they will not eat. my point is-I do NOT want to hand them over to some yahoo that won't treat them right and if it comes down to my having to kill them, what is a 1 yo starved pekin like to eat?
Try corn.... put whole corn scattered around. Once you get them eating they will not stop.

I would check with the duck people in the duck forum... I'm sure they will be of much more help.
Try peas. Peas are a duck favorite. Just defrost them. If they still turn up their noses, try floating the peas in water. Do you have a little pool for them? Goldfish (live feeder ones from the pet store) get ducks very excited.
thanks for response-previous owner FINALLY emailed(forgot sunday was a holiday!) and she said they were fed cracked corn. will try that.

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