raccoon proof latches?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 2, 2011
My hubby and I are just finishing our new coop--we are new to raising chickens, with 2 chicks who are 3 weeks old and will soon be delighted with their larger area.

What have you found works well for keeping raccoons out? I am especially concerned about their little hands undoing door latches. We live on a small lot in an urban area but have seen raccoons crossing the street at night.
Welcome to the forum!

I use spring loaded clips like these for our runs, two for each door (one up high, one down low):


The door to our big coop is a regular locking door, but the pop hole has a spring loaded clip like the one pictured, but it locks on the inside of the coop. What can I say? I'm paranoid.
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If you talk to the pet-raccoon people, they will tell you that raccoons CAN OPEN the kind of snaps illustrated in the previous post. Not often, but sometimes.

So it depends on what level of security you want. There is a bit of a tradeoff between raccoon-proof-ness and human convenience.

Personally, when I had my original tractor with several various places on it that required a latch, I used an outdoors-type padlock, *locked*, with the key hung on a hook right next to it. (Raccoons may be clever but they canNOT figure out to insert a key into a padlock and turn it <g>). It did take an extra moment, and those in areas with frequent ice storms would want to tie a baggie over it during those events; but it is quite secure and not *that* obnoxious to deal with.

Otherwise a single- or double-ended snap (as per previous post) is a common and reasonably-effective second choice.

JMHO, good luck, have fun,

Maybe we're just lucky, or maybe our coons are just not too bright, but we've had no problems in 5 years with the regular ol' gate latches like the one below.

We've had about 3 coon attacks (killed chickens and a duck) in the past 5 years, but that was because we didn't get home in time to close up the door... not because they got into the latch. Also, the fact that once they knew there were chickens inside, you'd think they would be even more anxious to figure out how to get back in... but no problems.

I'm not advising you use these... just saying that I don't think all coons in all areas are as equipped or as diligent. Maybe our coons only like easy meals?

Pat had a great point about "total safety" vs. human convenience. We'd never want to deal with a key lock, or even a complicated latch our kids couldn't open on a door that we frequently use. That said, if I did find that our local coons could get into them, I'd obviously do what I needed to keep them safe.

We use a couple of these, but with springs on the pull wire so they have a little resistance.

Yes indeedy, one of these days -- raccoons are quite strong and even the largest cinderblock is no challenge at all for them to tip over.

P.s. to Rob (Nifty) if he reads further on this thread -- you can go a GREAT deal further towards raccoon-proofing that gate latch you're using, without really inconveniencing people at all, by making a curved piece of wire (like maybe 10-14 gauge) and just threading it through that bottommost hole on the latch so the latch cannot be opened without first removing the wire. If it is U-shaped, it is not super obvious for animals to remove and yet for YOU to remove it (to operate the latch) you just rotate it 90 degrees and remove it. On some latches you can also use a very large fence staple for the same purpose, or even a snap.

Just sayin',

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