Remove spurs for showing?


10 Years
Apr 2, 2009
azalia, indiana
We have a few roos who are growing some pretty big spurs. They aren't a problem just around the coop, but I was thinking ahead to when DD shows them this year (4H and an open show) -- do we need to remove them to show? Or should they be left alone? I would think judges would prefer no spurs as they have less chance of getting scraped or poked with them as they handle the bird. But I don't want to remove them and discover that the spurs are supposed to be there to show age or something.

And if they do need removed, do we remove them all, or just ones that are bigger than say half an inch? What is the protocal for showing?
personally I would see total removal of the spur as a type of faking - trying to make an older rooster look younger. Most older roosters I will blunt the spur if I show them. To do this I'll measure 1/2" up from the leg and mark it with a pencil or marker. Then I'll use a grinding wheel to cut it flat across the end.
The protocol for showing is that the spur needs to be short and neat. The age of the male bird is not considered by a judge unless it is a year old or older and has no spur. Trimming,grinding, twisting off or other removal means of a spur are considered good grooming. Judges know how old birds are without looking at the spur.

Thank you Walt.

I've watched some videos on YouTube and feel pretty comfortable trying the twisting method so we'll go ahead and give it a go
personally I would see total removal of the spur as a type of faking - trying to make an older rooster look younger. Most older roosters I will blunt the spur if I show them. To do this I'll measure 1/2" up from the leg and mark it with a pencil or marker. Then I'll use a grinding wheel to cut it flat across the end.
I like your art. The APA is always looking for an artist that can do a good job illustrating chickens for their Standard.
PM me is you are interested in doing some artwork for us.


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