Rooster biting hens neck..


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 13, 2014
Locust fork, Alabama
My rooster keeps grabbing the back of my girls necks! They scream like he is killing them! I let them out of their run today to eat some bugs and grass and he is doing it more! They are 23 weeks and have not started to lay yet! Help! I feel bad for the girls! Should I separate them?
Your boy is becoming a man :) Pretty soon they will be "hugging"..... Which is the word we now use since my 4 year old asked what the boys were doing to the girls.
I thought maybe he was trying to kill them! The egg wait is fierce and my freeloaders best start producing! My husband wants to make chicken nuggets if they don't start laying soon!
At times it does seem like they want to kill them! Animal nature really isn't nice :( Mine are still so young but it is funny to watch how already the boys are doing their dance, bringing food, impressing the ladies, etc. But sometimes they still do just try to "take it".....and the screaming can be heard from far away!

I get the egg wait....I'm glad I ordered some sex-link pullets because at 18 weeks, they just started laying. All my other ones are taking their good old time. When I find an egg from my sex-links, I hold it up so the others see and tell them " you need to start giving me this" ;)
I thought I was the only crazy one talking to my chickens! Everyday I tell them they will be chicken nuggets if they don't start laying before long!! They look ready, nice and red in the face, but everyday when I check, it's a disappointment! :(
I thought I was the only crazy one talking to my chickens! Everyday I tell them they will be chicken nuggets if they don't start laying before long!! They look ready, nice and red in the face, but everyday when I check, it's a disappointment! :(

They aren't free ranging are they? I only ask because if they are they could possibly be laying elsewhere. I had a feeling that mine where laying somewhere else and so now I let the boys out in the a.m. And keep the girls in until about 1ish....4 eggs today...:weee

Someday I'm going to find their hiding spot....

Not nuggets... but I do threaten soup a lot. I talk to my chickens almost more than humans. They are nicer.

I talk to mine constantly! I agree...much nicer! I actually busted my husband talking to them a few weeks ago....bwahahahaha!
I was thinking maybe one of my girls might be laying somewhere else. They are confined to an open top run during the day with access to their coop. One of my girls gets out almost everyday.bim not sure if she is flying over the fence. I only let them out of the run when I'm home and outside with them. I've looked around and haven't found any eggs. I have 4 white rocks, and heard they don't lay until 6 months old. They are 23 weeks now, and should be laying any day. 2 look nice and red on their combs. No squatting, no chicken songs, NOTHING! I can't take this waiting game! I have had them since they were 2 days old. It's been a very long 6 months!

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