Saying Bye to my 2 beautiful Pekins


May 16, 2020
Hey guys, me again. Just recently my ducks became full grown!! I’m so happy for them..but unfortunately, my mum said i have to give my ducks to my grandmas. My grandma will look after them and stuff so I’m pretty happy that they are going to a nice house now. I’m getting a puppy today to replace my duckies. Im gonna miss them so much, but ill see them once every 2 weeks! Which is luck for me.

bye bye quack quacks, i love you so much and ill miss you heaps.. But dont worry ill still see you!! I love you and ill never forget you! Xx


here are some pics of them from ducklings to adults!


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What cuties! At least you can get plenty of updates on them. But why do you have to replace them?
Congrats on getting your puppy though, I can help if you have any training questions about him/her

Thank you!! I have to replace them because my mum says they are too messy and she is scared that I’m gonna get salmonella from them. I’m so happy i can still see them though. Yes thank you ! I think I already have some questions. I can send through a pic of him later on! Have a nice day/night.
also just a reminder to never impulse buy ducks, and they are a 10+ year commitment that shouldn’t be “replaced” when they get “too big” ☺

Well actually, i did know that. And my mum agreed to keeping them for 10+ years. It was only just recently she couldn’t deal with the mess. I dont live on a farm, I live on a house along the beach.. my mum didnt want “stinky farm animals” making so much mess. She bought them for me without knowing the mess they make, she thought it would just be like a bunny.
Well actually, i did know that. And my mum agreed to keeping them for 10+ years. It was only just recently she couldn’t deal with the mess. I dont live on a farm, I live on a house along the beach.. my mum didnt want “stinky farm animals” making so much mess. She bought them for me without knowing the mess they make, she thought it would just be like a bunny.
Oof. It's sad when that happens. Ducks and rabbits are both long commitments, are expensive, and need a lot of maintenance and patients. It seems like you have done research though.
ducks aren’t dirty animals, and if they have salmonella it would be noticeable (if your really worried about it just take them to the vet to be tested for it)

no actually, i have gotten salmonella from them before. If you read up on it, it says “your ducks can look perfectly clean and look happy but salmonella stays with them forever”. all farm animals carry this disease.. and yes they are quite dirty. They poo a lot, tip all the food over and more. i do have Pekin ducks, maybe they are different compared to yours.
i can promise you are very unlikely to get salmonella from ducks. i kiss mine, hug them, bring them in the house, i’ve even shared my food with them and they haven’t made me sick
Bad idea...

Just because you haven't got sick, doesn't mean other people won't.

And just because you have not yet gotten ill from these practices does not mean you never will. You get to decide what risks are acceptable to you, but claiming something is an acceptable practice because you do it or because you read it somewhere on the internet without critically evaluating the resource and cherry-picking information is bad practice and unethical at best and dangerous at worst.

OP, I am sorry you have to send your babies away. Glad you will get to visit them, though. What kind of dog are you getting?

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