Serama chickens male or female?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 26, 2013
Escondido ca
My Coop
My Coop


These are them but since yesterday one of them looks like it has a bigger comb and wattles and also the person I bought them from said that they were a year old and both hens. I'm confused
. Please help I'll post more pictures of them
no more Roos no more Roos
They both look like pullets to me - have either of them crowed or laid any eggs? That would be positive proof. They are very pretty. Generally seramas show combs early - the fact that your hens have red combs would indicate they are approaching point of lay. Do they squat when you touch their backs? That would be another sign they are getting close to laying.

My friend has two serama hen housepets - one thinks she is broody from time to time and sits on plain air and takes over the dog's bed. That is as far as she goes to being broody - she leaves the nest(??) often to eat and goof off, and never has an egg under her. The other hen just thinks she is nuts.

Both lay eggs - started out tiny (pullet eggs) and worked up to a decent size. I'm sure it was before a year old. They are real characters and look like feathered soccer balls.

Are your seramas especially tiny - class A's usually are infertile (can't produce chicks) and may not lay eggs at all.

You may get better answers is you post on the "American serama," thread.

Welcome to BYC!

Drumstick Diva X2. They both look like hens to me. I understand your need for No More Roos! LOL I think you are safe with these two.

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
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Ok thank you guys on layed an egg the day we got her but not since and I don't know which one it was and no crowing they don't squat they just run away and fly and thanks for helping and I think they are pretty too. :)
They both look like hens to me, but I'm not sure that they are Seramas. I don't think Seramas are supposed to have muffs/beard, and it looks like at least one of yours does.

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