Sicilian Buttercup Rooster or Hen?

We got two from TSC about four weeks ago and from what I've read as soon as the feathers start to come in you can tell the sex. Speckled wings and back with a caramel head is a female. Red, brown feathers with black tail mail. Google pics of them. I don't know how correct this is but the females and males look very different. I can not get mine to sit still for even 1/100th of a second.
It's hard to tell but it looks like a rooster. I heard females get tailfeathers first.
Well I don't know what that means. First before what? My bird has tail feathers, but a bunch of them were picked out before I got it and they are growing in again along with the longer ones that are still there
Looks like a roo to me right now but it will become very clear by its coloring in the next few weeks, still a bit young to tell.
How will it become clear? I hope it's not a rooster!! I wish I knew what to look for but I can't find anything online about the chicks and how to tell!!
My profile picture is a roo of that breed, if your chick is one too it will start getting in those pretty red feathers and a black tail. Its very difficult to tell chicks genders before they are older, comb size can help but I've met roos with small combs and hens with big ones. With this breed you probably wont have to wait for it to crow/lay an egg because of the male coloration.
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Ok thanks, that's three roo votes and I can't stand waiting. If its a rooster I will have to give it away and then I won't have one! Boo!
I would really give it a few weeks, Im pretty sure its still too young to tell, you might end up giving up a hen :/

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