Sick Cayuga?


In the Brooder
Feb 21, 2024
One of my Cayugas was perfectly fine yesterday and today has been acting a little lethargic and sitting with her head tucked in most of the day. She’ll drink, poop looks normal and she swam for a bit but she’s not hanging with the rest of the ducks all day and is moving relatively slow. Thoughts??


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{Has she been laying?}When did she lay last? when one of mine is going to lay a soft shell she'll go off by herself and it takes a good while to get the egg laid not long after she is back to hanging with everyone and acting normal again. It seems to be hard on them to lay a soft shell.
{Has she been laying?}When did she lay last? when one of mine is going to lay a soft shell she'll go off by herself and it takes a good while to get the egg laid not long after she is back to hanging with everyone and acting normal again. It seems to be hard on them to lay a soft shell.
She hasn’t started laying yet, she’s 3 months old this week
Okay well we can rule out egg laying trouble. Anything around that she could have eaten that is toxic plants water dead mouse etc? Beautiful Rooster by the way.
Okay well we can rule out egg laying trouble. Anything around that she could have eaten that is toxic plants water dead mouse etc? Beautiful Rooster by the way.
Uhm, there’s a creek they go to sometimes. The only plants she’s been around are grass and trees and haven’t had mice at all(knock on wood). I checked her body and it looks good, her breathing looks normal. I threw some treats out to the ducks, everyone went nuts over them but her she just sat down 🥺
Something is not right. Since she is eating and her poop looks normal I really don't know unless at the creek she may have eaten something that has her feeling not so good today. Lots of things down around water even a dead fish etc. There are flushes for this I can give you the info and let you decide if you think it might be a good idea. Just to flush out her system and see if it helps. most of us use activated charcoal. found in the antacid area in stores.
Something is not right. Since she is eating and her poop looks normal I really don't know unless at the creek she may have eaten something that has her feeling not so good today. Lots of things down around water even a dead fish etc. There are flushes for this I can give you the info and let you decide if you think it might be a good idea. Just to flush out her system and see if it helps. most of us use activated charcoal. found in the antacid area in stores.
I will definitely give this a shot tomorrow if she’s still acting this way.. and thank you so much for the responses, the world needs more ppl like you!

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