Sick hen! Coccidiosis?


In the Brooder
Jun 24, 2020
Our 4 year old hen Sunshine is sick. She's an ISA brown, turned 4 in February, and is usually very curious and outgoing, and probably my most food motivated chicken.
I found her in the nest box Friday night, and her entire vent was matted shut with green/white diarrhea all over her. She was lethargic, her tail was droopy, and she wouldnt eat or drink anything, crop completely empty. There's no palpable egg stuck, and she's pooping small amounts after I syringe feed her fluids. After giving her an Epsom salt soak, and blow drying her, she had some energy, and had a little bit of interest in some apple cider vinegar water, and feed, mixed with a little nutridrench. She didn't seem to be coordinating very well when trying to eat and drink though. Like her beak would miss the bowls. I've realized how much weight she's lost while holding her too, she's very skinny. I'm currently on day 2 of treating her and the flock with Corid for coccidiosis. 2tsp per gallon, for the flock, and 2 drops orally per day for her, plus her drinking water dosage. Last night I was able to syringe feed her about 5ml of water, and she ate a couple small pieces of egg yolk.

My question is, do you think this is something other than coccidiosis? She is completely out of energy today, wants to keep her eyes closed, no interest in food or water, her poops are foamy and green and white(Pictures attached), but her tail is no longer droopy. I have given her the couple drops of corid orally again today, (day 2 of the corid) and syringe fed her some water.
Is there something else I should be treating her for that matches her symptoms better than coccidiosis that I just don't know about? I should also add, nobody else is showing any of these symptoms that I've seen. Any help or advice is so appreciated!
She's so loved on our little farm, and is the kid's favorite most friendly girl. 😞


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I'm currently on day 2 of treating her and the flock with Corid for coccidiosis. 2tsp per gallon, for the flock, and 2 drops orally per day for her, plus her drinking water dosage. Last night I was able to syringe feed her about 5ml of water, and she ate a couple small pieces of egg yolk.
Welcome To BYC

I'm sorry to hear about Sunshine.

When was her last egg?
I'd be inclined to get extra calcium into her if she's not laid an egg and should have, even if you don't feel and egg inside the vent.
You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 in the vitamin aisle of stores like Walmart, CVS, etc. Give 1 tablet daily, just pull down on her wattles, pop the tablet into the beak and let her swallow.

Direct oral drench of Liquid Corid (Amprolium) is 0.10ml per pound of weight given orally 1-2 times a day for 3 days in a row. So you may need to give more than a couple of drops.
This is in addition to her drinking the mixed Corid water normally throughout the day. If she's not drinking well, then you may need to syringe the water into her to keep her hydrated.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.

Is her crop emptying? I see a lot of urates which can indicate dehydration, so encourage her to drink. Green poop can indicate bile which is from not eating very well. Once she's drinking, then try to encourage her to eat. Egg like you've given is good. Sometimes wet mushy feed is interesting.

You mention she was having some coordination problems targeting food/water. Can you tell if there's been any changes to her eyes?
Welcome To BYC

I'm sorry to hear about Sunshine.

When was her last egg?
I'd be inclined to get extra calcium into her if she's not laid an egg and should have, even if you don't feel and egg inside the vent.
You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 in the vitamin aisle of stores like Walmart, CVS, etc. Give 1 tablet daily, just pull down on her wattles, pop the tablet into the beak and let her swallow.

Direct oral drench of Liquid Corid (Amprolium) is 0.10ml per pound of weight given orally 1-2 times a day for 3 days in a row. So you may need to give more than a couple of drops.
This is in addition to her drinking the mixed Corid water normally throughout the day. If she's not drinking well, then you may need to syringe the water into her to keep her hydrated.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.

Is her crop emptying? I see a lot of urates which can indicate dehydration, so encourage her to drink. Green poop can indicate bile which is from not eating very well. Once she's drinking, then try to encourage her to eat. Egg like you've given is good. Sometimes wet mushy feed is interesting.

You mention she was having some coordination problems targeting food/water. Can you tell if there's been any changes to her eyes?
I'm going to get some fluid in her asap.
Should I get pedialyte or something more hydrating than water? And OK on the corid. I'll weigh her now and see what I should be giving her. She's not interested in food or water at all, and fights me feeding her the whole time. She hasn't laid since I've had her inside, so I'll definitely give her a calcium tablet. It's just been a big challenge getting anything into her. I haven't noticed any changes with her eyes at all, other than today her not wanting to keep them open a whole lot. She slept most of the day, and her tail is drooping again. 😞
The Corid water won't hurt her even if Coccidiosis is not part of the problem. Since you've started the Corid, I would finish it to 5 days, then you can give some Pedilyte or electrolytes.

With her being 4 and a hybrid, I would suspect that she's having some reproductive problems. Hopefully this can be resolved for at least a little while longer.

You've been handling her, so you haven't noticed any lice or mites right? Just to be sure those are not a problem too.
Parasites are opportunistic and when a hen is not well, bugs seem to flourish.

Do the best you can, I hope she pulls through. You may find that if you hold the water to her beak she may drink or if you happen to have a chick water station on hand, try that. For some reason mine will drink from a tiny chick station when all else seems to fail.
Welcome To BYC

I'm sorry to hear about Sunshine.

When was her last egg?
I'd be inclined to get extra calcium into her if she's not laid an egg and should have, even if you don't feel and egg inside the vent.
You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 in the vitamin aisle of stores like Walmart, CVS, etc. Give 1 tablet daily, just pull down on her wattles, pop the tablet into the beak and let her swallow.

Direct oral drench of Liquid Corid (Amprolium) is 0.10ml per pound of weight given orally 1-2 times a day for 3 days in a row. So you may need to give more than a couple of drops.
This is in addition to her drinking the mixed Corid water normally throughout the day. If she's not drinking well, then you may need to syringe the water into her to keep her hydrated.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.

Is her crop emptying? I see a lot of urates which can indicate dehydration, so encourage her to drink. Green poop can indicate bile which is from not eating very well. Once she's drinking, then try to encourage her to eat. Egg like you've given is good. Sometimes wet mushy feed is interesting.

You mention she was having some coordination problems targeting food/water. Can you tell if there's been any changes to her eyes?
Her crop is emptying, and is completely empty always unless I can force something into her. I gave her the corid again at a proper dose, and was able to get a bit of water mixed with calcium in her. Not a whole tablet yet though unfortunately. 😕
She's definitely not interested in anything at all and only wants to sleep. She even laid completely on her side earlier, until she came out of her sleep trance. 😞
I think I'll do another Epsom salt soak tomorrow. She really seemed to perk up after her soak the last time.
The Corid water won't hurt her even if Coccidiosis is not part of the problem. Since you've started the Corid, I would finish it to 5 days, then you can give some Pedilyte or electrolytes.

With her being 4 and a hybrid, I would suspect that she's having some reproductive problems. Hopefully this can be resolved for at least a little while longer.

You've been handling her, so you haven't noticed any lice or mites right? Just to be sure those are not a problem too.
Parasites are opportunistic and when a hen is not well, bugs seem to flourish.

Do the best you can, I hope she pulls through. You may find that if you hold the water to her beak she may drink or if you happen to have a chick water station on hand, try that. For some reason mine will drink from a tiny chick station when all else seems to fail.
Do you think it would be a good idea to stop the corid and push nutri- drench and trying to get her appetite back instead of the corid? I'm wondering if I'm medicating her with something that's going to deplete her even more, when it's not even coccidiosis. 😓
Does it seem like coccidiosis to you?
I appreciate your help so much!
It's hard to know if Coccidiosis is part of the problem.

A fecal float through your vet can tell you more, but if you feel Coccidiosis is not the problem, then stopping the Corid and focusing on nutrition and vitamin therapy would be a practical step to take.
Welcome To BYC

I'm sorry to hear about Sunshine.

When was her last egg?
I'd be inclined to get extra calcium into her if she's not laid an egg and should have, even if you don't feel and egg inside the vent.
You can find Calcium Citrate with D3 in the vitamin aisle of stores like Walmart, CVS, etc. Give 1 tablet daily, just pull down on her wattles, pop the tablet into the beak and let her swallow.

Direct oral drench of Liquid Corid (Amprolium) is 0.10ml per pound of weight given orally 1-2 times a day for 3 days in a row. So you may need to give more than a couple of drops.
This is in addition to her drinking the mixed Corid water normally throughout the day. If she's not drinking well, then you may need to syringe the water into her to keep her hydrated.
Do not add any extra vitamins/electrolytes that contain B1(Thiamine) to food or water during the course of treatment.

Is her crop emptying? I see a lot of urates which can indicate dehydration, so encourage her to drink. Green poop can indicate bile which is from not eating very well. Once she's drinking, then try to encourage her to eat. Egg like you've given is good. Sometimes wet mushy feed is interesting.

You mention she was having some coordination problems targeting food/water. Can you tell if there's been any changes to her eyes?
Thank you for sharing this information. What would be the dosage for the liquid Corid per gallon of water please? I think I missed this information. Thank you,

Edit: I found this: 2tsp per gallon, for the flock, and 2 drops orally per day for her, plus her drinking water dosage. Is it correct?

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