Smart rats


Jul 10, 2023
Last fall, I suddenly had rats that are living in and under my shed. The chicken run is behind the shed and the nursery coop is in a corner of my shed. The rats have eaten or removed all the insulation in the wall of the coop. My neighbor who never mowed his yard (about 4 acres) and left stuff all over the place, sold his house last fall. The neighbor moved in and mowed and cleaned up the yard. Within 2 days I was seeing rats everywhere! And they were very bold. Literally running across my yard from the shed to my garbage cans! In broad daylight! (have to admit it was hilarious watching them run) Too bad I was without gloves or a bucket or anything to catch them! Any time I had those items, no rats.

I have tried all kinds of methods to get rid of the rats. I have 3 humane traps and I caught a lot in there. Sad to say they are no longer living, but it was an infestation! Actually had 3 in one a couple of times. Sticky traps I tried, but I found the traps farther away than where I put them, covered in fur. Naked rat running around now! LOL. In the shed where the chickens can not go, I put poison baits that are enclosed in a container for rat bait. I am concerned with this since the rat can eat it and go away and die and another animal will eat the rat and die. Plenty of wild life around here and I do have a stray cat that comes back. I think she ate a couple, but not enough. I have an electric trap as well. It worked great for the longest time. Since I'm down to the smart ones, they figured out how to throw debris in there and then get the food. Rat is not harmed. Snap traps they have snapped it themselves and then ate the food. These last few are smart! They will literally watch me from their hole until I leave. I know they can not see well, but man when those eyes are stuck on you it's freaky! Husband takes care of shooting them as well. But the hole is too close to the chickens (in the run). When the girls are out free ranging, in a totally different area, hubby sits and waits. He can only get one and then its hours before they come back.

Now they do come back several times a day and throughout the night. I have seen on video them stretching out quick to grab some chicken feed and hiding just as quick. I moved the food to a different area during the day and the food is gone at night. Except what is left on the ground. I did try a tray under the feeder and removed that, but that is when they started chewing the walls to get inside the coop. I left the crumbs again and least hubby can shoot them there! Those holes are now blocked.

I have successfully removed 30 rats and have 6 left! That is when I found the baking soda idea. The baking soda and peanut butter which I made balls and threw a couple down the hole. Put some in the humane trap. Never even went inside the trap. I did remove all chicken food and put the humane trap on top of the crumbs. That I could not scoop up! The balls were found in the middle of the run the next morning. Untouched, no bite marks on them at all. I wore gloves while making them. Since that was an epic fail, I got a plastic dish and mixed the feed and baking soda in it. 50/50. It took most of the night before one tried it. 3 weeks later still making the mix and the last 6 rats are eating it every night. But none have died. There is a water container as well. Why on earth is the baking soda not working?

Any other ideas I can try? I even tried to find small bear trap - sounds weird I know. But I was looking for the netting that lays on the ground and when the bear gets in the middle it flies up in the air with the bear trapped inside! I figured since these rats were coming right up to the feeders and eating out of them, I'd put the net underneath. Sitting far away and wait. Once they ran on, pull it up and rat is hanging in the air! LOL Of course I'd have to get them down before they chewed through it. But I can not even find one to see if I could make it miniature size! Shooting them there would work, but again the chickens are there.

Oh border collies will catch mice too. And of course I have a stray cat who literally watches the rats in the run from outside. She of course can not get inside the run and the rat does not go outside.

I've attached a photo from a video where you can see 4 rats and the bowl has baking soda and feed in it. You can see that they want it. One rat is actually under the water (chicken are not drinking from there anymore) I put a waterer on the far side and they drink there. That is the slide going from the coop into the run where they have their hole at. Well those are everywhere under the shed.


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Yeah, you gotta get rid of them soon. Maybe poke them out of their holes with sticks and catch them in boxes? Sounds stupid, but it just might work...
We don't want them to get bold and attack any chickens.
I don't know about your area, but here in our area there is an organization for feral barn cats... they spay/neuter, worm, vaccinate and chip the cats, then they bring them to your place and let them loose. You basically agree to watch over the cats, and depending on circumstance agree to provide 1 or 2 meals a day. Hungry cats hunt better but they shouldn't suffer for it either.
There is only one sure way of eliminating a rodent infestation for good.

You have to stop feeding them.

Do that and they either starve to death, leave, or return to finding natural food and being prey for the natural predators while they hustle to find natural food in exposed areas.

Get an actual rat proof chicken feeder. Not a Chinese made Grandpa feeder or one of its many clones that lacks a spring loaded door and has a huge honking front step they use to push open the lid. Any feeder you buy will have negative reviews and they are the most important as the majority of the positive reviews will be from people that just needed a chicken feeder and even a poor treadle feeder helps prevent rats from ever becoming established.

Baking soda, one of the dozens of old wives tales that gets spread by well meaning but ignorant people.

Get your bulk feed in metal drums or metal trash cans and also clean up any pathways they can use to get to and from the coop to where they live. Their burrows won't be more than say 20 to 100 feet from their main food source unless they have been recently displaced as in your case because natural predators will quickly reduce their numbers if they go bopping about in the open.

Good luck. Also do a forum search for Howard E.'s posts on rodents and chickens.
Thanks Al. There was no feed out at night until I tried the baking soda idea. Which I now know does not work. The poison bates do not work either as they ignore them. Plus I hate to hurt the natural wildlife in that may find them.

Now I put a small amount out (just a small palm amount) which yes attracts them, but the old 22 is getting them. Managed to get 2 moms, a dad and 2 babies. Still have a few more to go but they are more skittish.

The run that the rats are in, has my blind chicken. She can not work the other type of feeder as I have those feeders. There are 2 in my main run with the other chickens and the rats can not get the feed. Unless the chicken put some on the ground. I put boards down under and broom sweep it every night. No more leftovers.

Rats are currently living under my shed which I can not lift up the get them out. However I have new boards that hat as soon as I get the last one, I will put up along the bottom of my shed. Close up that gap. Anything that in the yard, has been moved and cleaned up as well. Only tunnels I see are around the tunnels.

All spare feed is in metal trash cans. So that is good as well.

I appreciate all the help! It would be great if I could attack them under the shed! But I am too large!

Wow... you really would need some cats...!
Feed them well, and cats will kill more rats than if you let them starve : when cats are not hungry, they actually are great hunters, since they then take their sweet time to catch small animals...

Otherwise : did you try the "bucket method"?
Search "Rats Trap Bucket" on Youtube.
They look really simple and effective!

...Good luck with your rat infestation.

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