Sneezing and rattled breathing in rooster


Nov 12, 2021
I have a young rooster that has been sneezing/coughing (I can’t really tell the difference between the two) for over a month now. I was so preoccupied with treating so many other unrelated illnesses in the flock that I never took the time to really think about what’s making him sick until now. Over the past month or so i never noticed the sneezing getting any worse and it’s only been within the last couple days that I noticed he has rattling while he breathes.
The weird thing is that no one else in the flock is showing any signs or symptoms that my rooster is, so what could this be? We had a respiratory illness go through our flock (different one) last year and everyone caught it.
I read that Gapeworm is also very contagious but again no else is showing any symptoms, also my rooster isn’t “gaping”, and he’s eating and drinking just fine.
Does anyone have any idea what this might be??
I’m calling the vet for advice tomorrow but I just wanted to see if anyone else had a similar experience with their chickens.
Any help would be really appreciated!
Can you get video of what he sounds like?

Upload to youtube and provide a link.

Is his crop emptying overnight?
Ill try to get a video of him today. His crop seems to be emptying normally.
I spoke to the vet this morning and she said because it’s been going on for so long the antibiotics she gives him might not work that well (if what he has is an infection). The only other thing I can do is take him into the vet to get swabbed and send it to the lab which would cost $200, and I can’t afford that right now. :/
I just can’t figure out what he could have that isn’t contagious?

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