Still no egg this morning, taking so long I'm starting to second guess myself. It looks like there is an egg in there, it feels like there is a soft shell egg in there, but she is still acting pretty normal. Eating, drinking, pooping, foraging. Guess all I can really do is keep giving her warm baths and calcium until something comes out. I'm gonna try not to stress about it too much as long as she is still pooping and her little lump back there isn't getting bigger.
I was thinking the same giving her the cla glu and still not seeing an egg makes me think it couldn't be one. Keep up with the calcium though but as long as she is eating, drinking, and pooping and acting normal. Just watch and wait. And yes try not to stress.
So I found a slightly mishapen egg in her pen, but with a broody Karen sitting on it so I am assuming Karen probably laid it but not sure as it kind of was buried under the shavings under her. I attached a picture of Pipsqueaks but and it really looks like there is a clearly visible egg lump in there, and I've got a lot of experience with soft shelled eggs at this point and that is exactly what it feels like. I also have been grabbing all my other ducks to compare and none of them have the bump or feel that way down there. It's been so long at this point its hard to believe there is still an egg in there but I have no idea what else could explain it looking and feeling like there is one.


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Most of my females tummy are sagging right now during egg laying season. If there is an egg it must be stuck good. I can only go by my Muscovy that was egg bound she didn’t make it and was truly having a hard time wouldn’t eat off by herself. This was way before I knew about Cal Glu. I don’t know what else you can do besides a vet. Have you lubed up your finger and felt inside gently to see if you can feel it?
Most of my females tummy are sagging right now during egg laying season. If there is an egg it must be stuck good. I can only go by my Muscovy that was egg bound she didn’t make it and was truly having a hard time wouldn’t eat off by herself. This was way before I knew about Cal Glu. I don’t know what else you can do besides a vet. Have you lubed up your finger and felt inside gently to see if you can feel it?
I did try to, but could not manage to get my finger more than like half a centimeter in there and I couldn't feel it but didn't see or feel any obvious obstructions. I moved Karen's broody nest into Pipsqueaks pen and put a couple eggs in there to try and encourage her to try and lay in there. I've been working a lot of extra hours the last few days to try and save enough for a vet visit but I don't think I will be able to make nearly enough to afford any kind of extraction surgery.
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How is your girl today?
Seems like she pushed it out!!! 🥳
I had Karen and Penguin locked in jail overnight, so only Puffin and Pipsqueak were in the main area, and I made sure to remove all eggs before they went to bed. Woke up to a broody pipsqueak over 2 eggs so they both laid one, and one of them has a particularly thin shell so I assume that one is hers. I will definitely be keeping up the calcium with her from now on but I'm very very relieved she managed to get it out!


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