Super weak baby chick. Help!


In the Brooder
Aug 11, 2023
I have a super weak Rhode Island Red chick. I found her this morning with the other babies, they were out of water and feed. She was sitting in the corner, barely moving. I immediately seperated her into a smaller box because the others were stepping on her and am now trying to give her water with a syringe. I'm worried I'll choke her because every time I give her water she starts to swallow and then starts making choking motions. What should I do?
My sister is more experienced in this area but she's at work. Here is a pic of the baby


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If you don’t get an answer right away, it is best to keep updating your thread. I would get some electrolytes, sugar water, and dip the beaks in the water over and over to get them drinking. That is the safest way, to have them drink themselves. You also can make a small bowl of chick crumbles and water, which will get more into them. Sorry for your loss. I always use a 1 gallon waterer for chicks, and keep it full, in case they jump on it and turn it over.
Sorry about your chick, not all posts are immediately seen by people or I have no doubt someone would’ve helped. How long were they out of food and water and why? Is the temperature ok? Are the other chicks ok?
The other chicks are doing fine great. This Rhode Island Red was weak ever since she hatched but she was eating and drinking just fine. I guess they must have been out of feed and water all night. They usually run out of water because there are shavings in the box and they kick them into the water and block it up. I don't know why we did shavings this time we usually put paper towels. Also this morning someone put the water on the wrong side of the box where the heat lamp was so I guess it evaporated really fast and they got dehydrated and trampled on the weak one. About the temperature they have a heat lamp on one side of the box and they have room to get away from it, and if we see them get too hot we just put the lamp higher
I was a little harsh, sorry. I posted without thinking because on my last post about the Welsummer, I never got replies and I didn't get any this time, but it's not you're fault I'm just not experienced with the site yet
If you don’t get an answer right away, it is best to keep updating your thread. I would get some electrolytes, sugar water, and dip the beaks in the water over and over to get them drinking. That is the safest way, to have them drink themselves. You also can make a small bowl of chick crumbles and water, which will get more into them. Sorry for your loss. I always use a 1 gallon waterer for chicks, and keep it full, in case they jump on it and turn it over.
Thank you for your advice. I will keep that in mind. I did try dipping her beak, but I think she was already too far gone and wouldn't respond. I have heard of sugar water, and I'll probably try that next time. I'll ask my sister where she keeps the electrolytes (she's the chicken expert and I don't know where she keeps half of the stuff)
This is the box that they are in, they are getting a little bit crowded, and hopefully, someone is coming to pick them up today because we don't have anywhere else to put them. You can see what I mean about the water in this picture. When I went to take care of them this morning and saw the chick, I went ahead and filled the water and started to take care of the sick one. By the time I finished writing the post, they had completely filled the bottom with shavings.


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