The Wait's Almost Over - External Pips!


Free Ranging
7 Years
Aug 11, 2016
Everywhere, all at once
Just when it feels like it may never happen, I woke up this morning to see that there were 6 (7 at last check) externally-pipped eggs in the hatcher. Of course, I know they could take up to 2 more days to hatch...:th

It's technically day 29, and based on the size of some of the pips, I'm guessing they began pipping last night, so they're right on track for my Pilgrim eggs (according to my hatch logs)...nonetheless, there's always the (irrational) thought that they may not pip at all. The incubators were being a bit finicky - and the mercurial weather may have played a part - in the early parts of the incubation, which just feeds into the incubation anxiety.

Will be checking on these guys over the next couple of days and hoping they bust out without needing any help! Spring is gosling season. ❤️
Yes, it's the wee hours, but one doesn't let the humidity get too low when goslings are hatching, right? 😉 When I checked, the humidity was ok but I bumped it up a tad more.

So far, 9/10 have externally pipped. One has made a hole large enough to see a bill. I have a feeling that most will probably hatch either late today or tomorrow.
9 hatched and 1 is still absorbing its yolk (not sure what happened, exactly, but #10 seems to be way, way behind 😕). The hatchlings moved into their brooder and are now running around and bouncing off each other like soft, squishy bumper cars.

Here's a pic from a very temporary brooder - noodling in action! Most are under the MHP. ❤️


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