To mud or not to mud.....


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2024
Our girls have been enjoying little excursions to the run as field trips. It's been stormy, so they haven't been out for a couple of days and are oh-so restless. Thoughts on letting 6 week old girls (mostly feathered, but still a little fuzz) out in the run where they will attempt to dust bathe in the mud? It's mostly grass, but there are some wet spots and last time they were on the little mud patches like tiny piglets rolling in it. Field trips are typically under 2 hours long. There will be indirect sun, a slight breeze, and it's about 75 degrees out. Thanks in advance, you experienced treasures you!
By 6 weeks old they can handle temperatures down to freezing or below as long as they are out of the wind. You have no worries there. By 6 weeks I'd have the pop door open every day and let them decide if they want to be in or out. But mine would be sleeping in the coop. Do you still have them in a brooder in your house?
They're plenty old enough to be outside full-time. As long as they have a place they can shelter if they want, they can be outside regardless of the weather (barring extreme conditions of course). Let them at it!
By 6 weeks old they can handle temperatures down to freezing or below as long as they are out of the wind. You have no worries there. By 6 weeks I'd have the pop door open every day and let them decide if they want to be in or out. But mine would be sleeping in the coop. Do you still have them in a brooder in your house?
I do, it's a covered play pen, but the girls and I are ready for them to transition. Their new home isn't ready yet. Chicken math hit us on the first batch heehee. This is their outdoor space for now.
Thank you! They are loving it!
They're plenty old enough to be outside full-time. As long as they have a place they can shelter if they want, they can be outside regardless of the weather (barring extreme conditions of course). Let the
I do, it's a covered play pen, but the girls and I are ready for them to transition. Their new home isn't ready yet. Chicken math hit us on the first batch heehee. This is their outdoor space for now.
That's a common error. Most of us that have been through it recommend having the area ready before you even get the chicks. Life has a way of getting in the way of finishing things. When it is time for them to go out, it is time.
That's a common error. Most of us that have been through it recommend having the area ready before you even get the chicks. Life has a way of getting in the way of finishing things. When it is time for them to go out, it is time.
very true and lessoned learned.

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