Twisted beak, will she lay eggs?

Indiana hens

11 Years
Jun 25, 2008
Pendleton, Indiana
Ameraucana with a twisted beak. I usually cull these as chicks , as I thought they would be sterile. I was planning on butchering her in a couple days but yesterday the roosters were mating with her. Anyone have any luck with deformed hen?
I'm not sure what type of cause-effect relationship you're wanting to know about.

Roosters mating a hen will not cause the hen to lay eggs. Hens will lay eggs without ever even seeing a rooster at all.
As far as the twisted beaks go, often this is due to an incubation issue and not something that is a genetic defect. She will lay whether there is a rooster present or not...I would let her be and see how she does. If she's made it this far, she sounds strong. And she could potentialy be a great layer for you!
If she is able to eat and grow, she should be able to lay and mate.

But, what if the beak thing is a genetic defect? Would you want to pass that on?
Was my question. I have never had any quail that lived long that had twisted beak. I would not hatch any from her if she did lay. I figured it would take her longer to mature but I am tired of waiting as it appears she eats more than the other hens.
I don't think she is eating more. With a cross beak it would be harder for her to eat thus it likely looks like she is eating more because it takes her longer to eat.

If you don't hatch her eggs, then there would be no chance to pass defeat to offspring so it is your call as to keep her or not. As everyone else already said she will likely lay eggs that is as long as she is able to get enough to eat to keep her healthy.
I have a EE Crossbeak. She lays pretty olive green eggs. She does take more time eating since her beak doesn't allow her to "peck" at her food. I leave a large bowl of mixed mash/scratch up on a shelf that she can really dig into and fill her crop a few times a day. I don't plan on hatching any of her eggs but they eat just fine.
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We had a crossed beak goose and she had 3 healthy, happy batches of babies, 3 springs in a row! None of the babies ended up with it and she was an excellent mother!


She is the Embden
I adopted a hen that has only 1 eye and a crossed beak. She walks around all the time looking for food and takes forever to eat. But, she is growing and I assume the others have gotten so used to her unusual body movements and leave her alone that she will do just fine when the time comes. I will probably have to make a special box for her to find and lay eggs, I won't hatch them but will look forward to eating hers too! The lady at the feed store said she will be fine as long as the others can get used to her 'special' needs.

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