Vent issues


In the Brooder
Feb 10, 2024
Two of my girls vents look like this. I have dewormed, and treated for mites. 2 out of my 17 have this issue and i don’t know what’s going on. They both of runny poop all the time. Neither act differently and walk fine unless they are trying to poop. They get rooster booster in their water. Any advice/help is greatly appreciated!


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Stop the Rooster Booster. What type is it? Electrolytes with vitamins should not be used more than several days because it may give them diarrhea. Clean the poop off, trim any extra fluff that continues to get covered, and start some probiotics. Cooked rice with buttermilk or plain Greek yogurt for a couple of days in addition to their feed may help firm up droppings. Make sure there has been no vent pecking or damage to the vent. Clean waterers daily and don’t let them drink from standing water outside. Do they smell bad? If these steps don’t work, you could be dealing with vent gleet a fungal overgrowth in the GI tract. Hopefully it is just a messy butt problem.
Thank you kindly for your response! I was losing hope that anyone was going to lol! Sometimes the poop smells bad and sometimes not. None of the other girls poop smell bad though. It seems when it’s super liquidy is when it smells bad

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