Very ill chicken - dry flaking skin, feathers falling out, lethargic


5 Years
Feb 11, 2014
Hello, sorry first post and its a "my chickens sick".

Shes been ill for about 3 weeks now and we have gone through all the "basics" treating for lice and mites, worms, coccidiosis etc and she doesn't seem to be getting any better. I started with her back looking a bit wet and her pulling feathers out and then one day she just stopped moving around and would hide in a corner.

We discovered that the reason she isnt running arounds is that she is covered from her thighs up in a thick crusty yellow/white skin and it is just flaking off her. Her thighs are the worst (black and crusted), her back, front, neck, bum, under her wings...everywhere is covered. Even her face has a covering of white poweder flecks and the occasional brown "dot" where we assume its cracked. The only place she doesnt have it is on her exposed legs.

Shes in so much discomfort shes been pulling feathers out around her neck and we *think* that in other areas they are just falling out. When she moves she emits a plume of dust which I had assumed was from my wife doing mite treatment until she told me she had stopped last week!

I've been thinking possibly favus or something other fungal but I am at a loss since it seems so much more extreme and extensive than I had read favus was. The only positive is that she is eating (although her poo has been runny and turned green today!)

I'll get some photos up later, but has anyone any suggestions/ideas of what it might be and how to treat it?
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Welcome to BYC!! Please do post photos. From your description it sound more like lice. But I don't know. A Bath would be good but won't kill anything maybe just make her a little comfortable for a while. Be sure to dry her thouroughly. And check out the feather shafts extra close up. Good Luck!
Okay Photos - gruesome to be honest and I know she must be in a lot of pain with her legs. Painkillers for chickens?

Heres brownie after a bath and blow dry just now. She doesnt look too bad...

Until you part the feathers:

Under her wing.

Under her breast. This is what shes like all over.

Her leg. They are REALLY bad but her lower legs look fine.

The other leg from the inside. Just slight movement is causing the skin to come off leaving exposed red patches.

Shes not a happy girl and even has it on her face.

Seeing how bad her legs are I'm starting to consider having her put to sleep since this just isnt getting any better (although we've only been aware of this being *this* bad for a few days).

The vets I've spoken to either don't feel qualified or want me to take out a mortgage to see her. Any suggestions of what this might be, how to treat and how to make her more comfortable welcomed.
It looks the the mange i treated a guinea pig for. It's caused by a very tiny microscopic almost lice/mite. I used Ivermectin. Are you familiar with it? The first thing is to get her clean up. A bath. and get some Vetricyn and spray on 2 or 3x a day. Start giving the Ivermectin as soon as you can. that's is given orally and works fast and the best. Unfortunately if that is what is you need to thoroughly clean the coop and replace all the liter. Hope this helps! BTw if you look up dosing for Ivermectin on BYC there is a page with the dose on it . I don't have it handy right now.
It looks the the mange i treated a guinea pig for. It's caused by a very tiny microscopic almost lice/mite. I used Ivermectin. Are you familiar with it? The first thing is to get her clean up. A bath. and get some Vetricyn and spray on 2 or 3x a day. Start giving the Ivermectin as soon as you can. that's is given orally and works fast and the best. Unfortunately if that is what is you need to thoroughly clean the coop and replace all the liter. Hope this helps! BTw if you look up dosing for Ivermectin on BYC there is a page with the dose on it . I don't have it handy right now.
The dose for the 1% injectable is .02ml per 2.2 pounds, orally or injected, but my vet told me to use up to .04ml per 2.2 pounds.


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