Weaning Bottle Baby Goats


11 Years
Feb 4, 2008
Venice, Florida
Strawberry's boys are going on 9 weeks now. They're foraging in addition to their bottles of milk. How do I wean? Do I give a little less milk each day for the next 3 weeks? Or do I just have them quit cold turkey? Will they have withdrawal and be cranky?
You should visit the sister site, backyardherds. They have a goat section on there where I'm sure you will find the answers to your questions. Good luck!
I supplement mine with alfalfa pellets ,oats and a small amount of horse feed mixed in.And you can cut back to one bottle a day for a week .Then one every other day for a week then none at all.The other feed kinda replaces the bottle they will still get calcium from the alfalfa.They also still have their browse and on rainy days when no one wants to leave the barn they get hay.
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once they start eating hay and grain, I just go cold turkey. take the bottles away, simple as that. no different to separating them from mum

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