What did you do in the garden today?

Lucky you. I was off to a slow start w/JB, but they're making up for lost time. getting 1/2 a bag full/day from my hanging trap. Get an other 1/2 bag when I scout the yard with my portable trap. Chickens are enjoying the bounty.


Picked cucumbers, may be making some pickles.
And here is my big guy with a big squash.
My feed company changed from paper to the crappy poly strand type. :th Despite the complaints of many customers, no changing back to paper.  Paper is better for the environment me thinks.

THe glossy magazines have clay in the paper. .. . was trying to figure out how this paper was used on the corrugated boxes . . . . guess not used at all. lol

Those crappy poly bags have a thousand repurpose uses. I have a friend that sews them in to tarps.
Blasted beetles have been here two weeks starting to die out, hit the garden beds that didn't have garlic or morning glories the hardiest. Never used trap but the neighbor does seems to have more JB then me if you have the funds milky spore treatment is the way togo. Hennible your son is just to cute -)

Picked cucumbers, may be making some pickles.
And here is my big guy with a big squash.
How's the trap work? Home made?
Hand carried trap is an ammonia jug cut down like you'd do to make a scoop. Use a hack saw to cut the very top off the lid. This leaves a threaded ring that you can use to attach a zip- lock baggie with a corner cut off to the opening (zip lock hangs down and provides an opening for easy dumping) All you do is hold the trap under the beetle infested plant, and use a stick to knock the beetles into the funnel. Works best in cooler weather of if it's been raining, or still dewy. Of course, you can create your own rain/dew with the hose. That makes them cling tight for easy catching, instead of flying off like they do when it's hot and sunny.

Pheromone trap uses a pheromone refill stapled to: (some yellow paint chips enclosed in a snack sized baggie). This is then attached to hang down inside an upside milk jug that has the bottom cut off so it's hinged on one side (I rig it so that the lid is opened about 3" on one side when I attach my hanging string). Again, I cut the very top off the lid, leaving the ring to attach a 1 gal zip lock to the bottom. punch some small holes in the bag so rain water can leak out.

Those crappy poly bags have a thousand repurpose uses. I have a friend that sews them in to tarps.
One of these days I'll repurpose some of the ones I've been saving into: shopping bags, or cover for my chicken tractor. They could also be sewed to make a super sturdy gas grill cover. I buy a single bale of good hay and stuff it into those bags to save for nesting material. A bale will last a full year. They make good planter bags.
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Lucky you. I was off to a slow start w/JB, but they're making up for lost time. getting 1/2 a bag full/day from my hanging trap. Get an other 1/2 bag when I scout the yard with my portable trap. Chickens are enjoying the bounty.
Yup, that method workd too. My kids when little were good at knocking bugsinto a soapy water in a coffee can. Now all bugs go to the chickens of course. But as I said, not many Jap Beetles here right now . . . maby later in the summer the population will increase.

Quote: We use the bags for MANY uses as I hate to toss anything right into the trash with out reuse. WIll consider making the tarps, but my inspector seems to frown on anything ugly. sigh. THough I would think a tapr with pretty pictures would be more of a work of art!! BEtter than bright blue, or brown!!. Just hung a tarp to give ducklings another area to rest during the heat of the day.

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