What did you do in the garden today?

Potted up some creeping phlox into gallon pots (rooted thrift cuttings) and went into town.

The car overheated so I took out the thermostat and drove home...almost. Stopped a a local store and the car wouldn't start. Had to walk home and get the truck to jump it off. Checked....bad alternator.

So now I have to replace the thermostat and the alternator. Looks like I'll be working on my KIA on the morrow.

Just changed the starter on my truck....when it rains it pours I suppose.

I really hate working on vehicles.

Oh yea. I cleared out my top garden and mowed everything down....The rider won't start now...I think it's a bad solenoid switch....more work!!!
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Sorry for all the mechanical problems. It does seem to be like a mechanical virus.
The thing about mechanical repairs is they have to be done now and it isn't like gardening where you can plan a day or afternoon around the job. Mechanics throws the planned jobs off too
Just harvested the last of my beefsteak tomatoes. I'll let the girls roam around under them for a few weeks, nice place to hang out during the day. Most of my figs have ripened up and we've gobbled them up. I hope our northeast indian summer ripens the rest of them as I need a few more pounds to make fig jam this year.
Potted up some creeping phlox into gallon pots (rooted thrift cuttings) and went into town.

The car overheated so I took out the thermostat and drove home...almost. Stopped a a local store and the car wouldn't start. Had to walk home and get the truck to jump it off. Checked....bad alternator.

So now I have to replace the thermostat and the alternator. Looks like I'll be working on my KIA on the morrow.

Just changed the starter on my truck....when it rains it pours I suppose.

I really hate working on vehicles.

Oh yea. I cleared out my top garden and mowed everything down....The rider won't start now...I think it's a bad solenoid switch....more work!!!
It's a good thing that you know your way around a tool box! Pity the family who doesn't have any know how in that area.
I harvested 4 roos. Dug a nice deep hole, buried all the "trimmings" and then planted a grape vine in the top of the hole. I've planted one vine at either end of my metal clothes line, and will use the frame for a grape arbor. The other grape vine is similarly amended. I know that grapes like the soil "lean", so... we'll see how these 2 plants process the extra N load.
little gangster _) So who/what bodies are planted under the rosebushes_) I do the same thing when butchering or have an animal pass my garden as adopted a big black cat. BC hasn't taken kindly to having another animal stalking his rabbits and chickens.
I haven't yet planted rose bushes in the middle of my lawn. Just saying... I do the digging where the digging is easy. If it happens to be in the middle of my lawn, so be it! Here in New England, beggars can't be choosers when it comes time to make a hole. Our soil, if it can be called that is very bony... that's before any bones even get added to it! Thankfully, the guy who lives across from me... the one who sits out on his front porch, (most likely for the amusement of seeing what I'm doing in my yard) is even more red neck than I am. Thankfully, he's pretty harmless.
I got lucky on the car. It was the alternator belt and not the alternator. That means I can probably put the old thermostat back in because the belt that runs the alternator also runs the water pump.

I am not much of a mechanic and an hour job took me all day. It saved money however. $ 17.50 instead of $200.00.

I just parked it last night and started looking around this morning.

Haven't tended the greenhouse in a month or so. Finnally took a look yesterday and was rewarded for my neglect with some goodies. Also a few squash

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