What did you do in the garden today?

I am going to guess the frame is water tight, the grow bags are so you flood the frame rather than top watering the plants
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Quote: Wicking is the peat moss mixture will soak the water up from the bottom. The bags sit in 1 1/2 - 2" of water and for the first couple of days you top water to start the wicking.
As the plants grow they will take up as much water as they need and the auto watering float keeps the water at he perfect level and if it rains you have an overflow hole drilled at 2 1/2 inches to drain excess water. And the plastic liner keeps the water in the bed.
I learned this method of gardening from Larry Hall he he has a lot of video's on youtube and a page on Face Book to help other gardeners learn how to perfect his method.
Here is Larry Hall's video that got me started on this method of gardening:

I dug a big rock out of the garden, and planted a row of sugar snaps and some spinach. Pulled up a lot of mint. Hope to put in some parsnips, lettuce and carrots tomorrow. 75* today. We seem to have gone from winter to summer. Mosquitoes and black flies have arrived.
Thanks, the tomatoes look kinda lost in the mulch but they will grow out of it. I have been planting a lot of stuff lately. Been building a lot of beds for my flowers.
I started building my little greenhouse this weekend! It's 6 x 10 and attached to my garden shed on one side. No electric, so can't go crazy with winter planting, but I bet it'll stay warm enough in there for lettuce. I also mowed my garden AGAIN, the paths grow fast cause I water with a sprinkler. But I won't complain, grass clippings make great weed blockers between rows and around flower gardens! Excited to see it's going to sprinkle all week, I won't have to move sprinklers around, God's going to do it for me!!! But it's Monday, so back to work and only get a couple hours each night in my garden.
Gots to make that money!
Thanks, the tomatoes look kinda lost in the mulch but they will grow out of it. I have been planting a lot of stuff lately. Been building a lot of beds for my flowers.
I do know what you mean. They grow quickly.

I planted all but 2" of mine so it looks like there's nothing there. I planted 5 tomato plants this year I hope to can some pasta sauce and some salsa. Last year I had 3 tomato plants and ran out to fast. So I am hoping to get enough to last a while and send my sister some.
I got all my bags filled and planted 19 so far. I hope to get some more supplies this week to make up some more potting mix and I need a little more seed. I have to pick up some herb seeds and I guess a salad mix lettuce.
Arielle if you poke your head in, I am going to try the lemon squash you sent me again this year. Last year it drowned from all the rain. :) I hope to get to eat some this year.
I do know what you mean. They grow quickly.

I planted all but 2" of mine so it looks like there's nothing there. I planted 5 tomato plants this year I hope to can some pasta sauce and some salsa. Last year I had 3 tomato plants and ran out to fast. So I am hoping to get enough to last a while and send my sister some. 
I got all my bags filled and planted 19 so far. I hope to get some more supplies this week to make up some more potting mix and I need a little more seed. I have to pick up some herb seeds and I guess a salad mix lettuce.
Arielle if you poke your head in, I am going to try the lemon squash you sent me again this year. Last year it drowned from all the rain. :) I hope to get to eat some this year.  
Be glad you get rain.We didn't get much rain at all last year for about six months. We had a very bad drought here. Even some of our rivers dried up.

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