What did you do in the garden today?

Love of nature creates a garden!
Today rainy 40s but watering my sugar snap peas. Yeah!​
Almost 40 degrees today. But back to snow and ice, and wind tomorrow for the next week. I'm going out to scoop the stalls and let the chickens roam for a while. I picked up some seed packets in town yesterday, but it's too early to start them.

I did get a pair of trays with a heat mat included for 20$. The mats alone are selling for more than that. So bonus. I also picked up some coir bricks. Those with some fertilizer added in for shoot support will be worthwhile, I hope. It's amazing to me the lack of starting supplies out there. It's as bad as the grocery store only carrying quick meals, and not ingredients anymore. No wonder we all turn to the internet.


I'll use those the two mats for my lettuce now. They'll appreciate the warmer than my garage soil to get going. April seems forever from now.

Serious good deal on the heat mat. About grocery stores, fortunately it's not quite as bad here since this is a big farming community. But funny trip to the grocery store yesterday: I finally ran out of my home made jam so I asked where I could find it. I was told it was next to the bread. That confused me since I make my own bread and never paid attention to that area of the store. I can't wait for the next garden to get started.
The weather here has been equally as crappy. Last week 4 to 5 inches of snow. Fortunately I cleared the driveway before the sleet and freezing rain turned everything to 4 inches of ice. Then we got 4 inches of fluffy snow on top of that. Now we are forecasted to get snow, sleet, then freezing rain. :barnie My gardening reminder told me it's time to start leeks indoor. I should be giddy that I finally get to start something but me and my little dog have been so sick through all this recent crappy weather I'm not sure if I have the energy.
Serious good deal on the heat mat. About grocery stores, fortunately it's not quite as bad here since this is a big farming community. But funny trip to the grocery store yesterday: I finally ran out of my home made jam so I asked where I could find it. I was told it was next to the bread. That confused me since I make my own bread and never paid attention to that area of the store. I can't wait for the next garden to get started.
Our grocery store had a remodel. Got new justa’ bout everything. Cucumbers cost 1.99 each!
It was a huge deal when we got a Family Dollar! :plbb
*homemade bread yumm*
The strawberry seeds I planted ("Mignonette") and were supposed to take 30-40 days to germinate are doing great! They germinated in about 10 days, with more following over the next couple of weeks. Now they are producing their first real leaves. Pretty good germination too, approx 60% (which is good for this seed). Supposed to grow a small, but intensely flavored berry. Hoping they keep growing well! I also ordered 1 batch of 20 bare root strawberry plants, should arrive late April/early May. First time ever growing strawberries!

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Our grocery store had a remodel. Got new justa’ bout everything. Cucumbers cost 1.99 each!
It was a huge deal when we got a Family Dollar! :plbb
*homemade bread yumm*
I think I've purchased a few of those expensive cucumbers myself. LOL! The biggest store around here is Walmart and people come from New Hampshire to shop there. I really need to come up with more cold storage for my produce. I can and freeze as much as I am able, however my basement doesn't always stay consistently cool. I kept my bounty of butternut squash in my bedroom until January. I keep that room cool and I roasted my last butternut squash for New Year's dinner. I still have frozen squash and apples, also have lots of tomato sauce and pickles left but I've had to start buying vegetables lately. I'm growing leeks this year. They freeze well and even when they are in season they are a bit expensive. Regular onions are cheap and I use a ton of those all year. I may be purchasing a larger freezer this year so I'll have more room for my produce and breads.

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