What did you do in the garden today?

Little garden update..
Some photos from today.

I planted some white and pink Astilbe’s in the cottage garden.
Super hot!

Garden is doing well. I did dust yesterday with a pesticide type dust bc we were getting lots of cucumber beetles (it seemed overnight) and last year they really impacted many of our garden plants in a bad way. So, I was hoping we dodged them and wouldn't have to use any chemicals, but unfortunately that did not occur. The packaging of the dust made it difficult to "lightly" dust them. it was either nothing or a whole lot.

First tomato (Champion II) picked today!!
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The tomato-less tomato has a tomato!!!
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The pole beans are near the top of their structure!!

Some of my pole beans are nearing the top of their structure as well, but no flowers on them yet. The bush beans are flowering and I am getting a few beans every couple of days. Are either of you getting flowers on your pole beans yet?

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The tomato looks really nice. My pole beans are at the top of their structure but mine is shorter, only 5 feet. Remember I’m vertically challenged. I’m sitting with my chickens right now in the shade. It’s like 95F. There’s an occasional breeze thank goodness.
Good morning gardeners. This is supposed to be last 90+ degree day here. I saw those brief showers on the weather radar @Sueby and was so hoping it would move farther north to my area. I left the doors to the coop wide open all night. It was 80F when I went to feed them this morning. I'll be doing it again tonight. While I was in the garden just after feeding the chickens I heard the Fisher off in the woods. So creepy. Then one of the hawks flew over me to say good morning I guess. I picked another zucchini and a crook neck squash. Thinned the leeks some more and picked some little green onions and a few tiny turnips. I need to water the pole beans and leek beds. They are super dry again. I checked the pole beans carefully and didn't see any sign of blooms yet. Didn't really expect them to as they are still growing a lot @karenerwin. Last year they didn't start putting out beans until mid-August. Have a great day everyone.
I’m out of town at my daughter’s, but DH tells me my chickies are panting. I suggested he get a spray bottle and spritz them lightly, but he wasn’t too keen as they are in a hard-to-reach place.

Our run is secure and I’m going to have him leave the door open tonight. It cooled to about 75 last night but the daytime is brutal. They have a little tray of ice to peck at. Yesterday they had a few bites of frozen corn but they weren’t too interested.

The weather is even worse down here in the Hudson Valley. 95 and stupid bad humidity. Thank goodness for A/C in the car!
Mine hate they spray bottle. It’s how I keep them away from things. Mud puddles are good. Chickens expel heat through their feet and waddles. Mine will stand in the mud and nap. A slow running hose ... mine will drink & drink like the water is somehow better than what’s in their waterers.
Mine hate they spray bottle. It’s how I keep them away from things. Mud puddles are good. Chickens expel heat through their feet and waddles. Mine will stand in the mud and nap. A slow running hose ... mine will drink & drink like the water is somehow better than what’s in their waterers.
When I let the chickens out into the grass yesterday they were more interested in dirt baths in the shade and drinking water out of large basin in the grass. Even the rooster just dug a very deep hole in the shade and laid there for 25 minutes. Their run is 90% shaded but I guess they just wanted fresher dirt to wallow in.

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