What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning gardeners. Thank you for the pictures @igorsMistress. They warmed me up. Just a blast of winter for now. Apparently we got a total of 5 inches of snow but it was the heavy wet stuff. When it finally stopped I shoveled a bit and let the chickens out. The Buff Orpington's acted like they were born in it. I didn't bother with the snowblower and shoveled the driveway and the front walk by hand. I made applesauce with nearly all the remaining apples. I do have a few more small jars with lids left so I may make some apple cranberry jam before putting the canner away for the year. The temps are a bit chilly right now. It was 18F when I got up this morning. It's currently only 21F, but rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and perhaps a little wet on Election Day, but sunny, warm and dry after that. So it looks like I'll get a window of warm and dry to finish moving the dirt pile and get to the other outdoor chores. That would include the garden and wrapping the chicken run. At least I can't complain about being bored. Sorry about the dahlia @Sueby, but you knew it wouldn't last forever. They will all be back next year year just as beautiful as ever. Have a great day everyone.

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I love the look of snow but eww. What do the chicken find to forage? I know my GSD found mice tunnels under that stuff and was entertained. Still an eww from me and happy my wife made me move so far south. 15 years of that and I am done with it. Lemons are dropping early this year off the trees/bushes.

I bought some more Grolsch bottled beer to store the juice in the fridge. It is only because of the fact i know how to sterilize those bottles. And 30+ lemons drop a day for us right now.

Ok I did an internet search: https://www.etsy.com/listing/833808...MI3vCj_fre7AIVCtbACh39wgmKEAQYASABEgJ0svD_BwE
Funny how folks can turn drinking into a profitable enterprise. I got 4 for $10 but they had beer in them.
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I have the world's only mean buff orpington. I'm ready to drop her in the middle of the cattle pasture and let her be a cow.

Heading for the upper 60s for the next week. Works for me.

No precipitation, which is fine, harvest is wrapping up and then cattle need moved to the stalks. After that, rain and snow away, I don't care. (LONG stretches of severe cold are not ever welcome. Swinging an ax to break ice in tanks, bleh.)

Bugs are dead, so yay freeze last week.
I still need to weed the walkway in the garden. Maybe this week.

Have gathered seeds for next spring seed house, but not much more thought into it than that.
Compost and manure has been spread in the hayfield.

Bins are empty and ready for more poo, of which there is plenty of.

Have a great day all. Chocolate chiffon cake in the oven.
Good morning gardeners. @NewBoots it’s so nice to be able to get outside! @Wee Farmer Sarah brrr, I remember snow, no thank you! We are headed to HD for soil in a few minutes, then hubs wants a haircut and then I can get outside and do some stuff. The pups have been to the park already, they are very happy pups and taking a nap now. Here’s a couple pics of our moon set and sunrise this morning, have a great day everyone!
Good morning gardeners. @NewBoots it’s so nice to be able to get outside! @Wee Farmer Sarah brrr, I remember snow, no thank you! We are headed to HD for soil in a few minutes, then hubs wants a haircut and then I can get outside and do some stuff. The pups have been to the park already, they are very happy pups and taking a nap now. Here’s a couple pics of our moon set and sunrise this morning, have a great day everyone!
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LOL tell hubs to do the manly thing and tie his hair up in a pony tail like I have.
Good morning gardeners. I went out and spread soil in the garden as the sun came up. It’s a beautiful day out there and I’m supposed to be working on whitewashing the coops now. Hubs is going to take the pups for a walk and then we need to run errands. I hate grocery shopping even without covid. Have a great day all and happy November!
@igorsMistress are the eggs in the incubator? How long will they take to brew?

Morning all. Snow is melting away, supposed to rain shortly, that should take care of the rest of it. DH is out blowing & mowing leaves around the snow. :gig

I broke down & bought an auto door for the little coop. :yesss: These girls are much younger than they were supposed to be & came 2 months later so they will be in the little coop till spring, not much I can do about that but can make it easier on myself. We are also going to cut a big hole in the back of it & put in some plexiglass for light, it's too dark in there.

Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!

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