What did you do in the garden today?

Morning all. We had maybe 4 inches of snow & then it changed to rain. & then froze. :he Gotta love when the yard is a skating rink! The new littles hunkered down inside, I'm not sure they will ever come out again. :lau But I'm mean, I will move their food outside (under cover) so they have to! How'd you make out @Wee Farmer Sarah?

Those little baby ducks are the cutest things ever! :love
OMG I've got to vent. I'm not a Karen, and I don't believe in all this shut down/slow down crap, but I do STRONGLY believe in personal responsibility and respecting of others, and doing what you can personally to not spread this crap, so that we CAN remain open here. (All we have currently is a inside mask policy and indoor limitations of numbers of people per occupancy. Everything is open.)

The idiots across the road had a massive blowout, headbanging party until 1am. I'm dragging for all the ego compensating, no muffler pickup trucks and drag racing up and down the road. The turds.
Their acreage is 1/4 mile away, but the county road is between us and them. The music was blaring. At midnight we counted 23 cars that we could SEE. One would leave, peeling rubber, throwing gravel, and two more would show up. This was going on since around 6pm. OMG, the number of people. The amount of alcohol over there must have been staggering. We THINK their twins just turned 21.
By 1am they had pretty much broken up and about 10 cars lefts all at once, the rest trickled away.

All I could think of was dark roads, deer, and a whole lot of young drunk drivers, and now cootie spreaders. :he

I'm even more annoyed because the guy who did our son's car paperwork yesterday, his sister died unexpectedly this week and they can only have 25 people at the funeral/viewing, so they're just having a viewing on Monday and the funeral in May, when HOPEFULLY they can have a real do for his sister. (his mom and dad just had their non-rapid test (asymptomatic) and are hoping they can even get to the viewing.

So here's my problem with the mandates, and then I'll stop. The rule followers will always follow the rules, and those that don't won't ever -and rarely see punishment for it. Eventually the rule follower group dwindles,as more and more see their effort as futile. I personally get tired of being good so that other can go around and do whatever the hell they want.

I might have to go out and cut some branches to blow off some steam.
Morning all. We had maybe 4 inches of snow & then it changed to rain. & then froze. :he Gotta love when the yard is a skating rink! The new littles hunkered down inside, I'm not sure they will ever come out again. :lau But I'm mean, I will move their food outside (under cover) so they have to! How'd you make out @Wee Farmer Sarah?

Those little baby ducks are the cutest things ever! :love
I love it when they stand on their own little feet! I love baby gooseseses too.
Good morning. We got 6.5 inches of vanilla slurpee. LOL! And the winds were wicked bad. I'm happy though, my basement didn't leak, my sump pump is alive and well and we didn't lose power. Yay! I have a brand new generator in the garage waiting for me to put the wheels on it. That stays in the garage until the contractor has completed the window well installation and re-landscaping. I needed an ice pick to pry open the chicken run doors this morning. The rain water froze overnight and pretty much sealed the doors. But it's all good. Just doing laundry while waiting for te temps to rise and soften the ice pack so I can clean up the driveway. Indoor plants still loving my new plant shelves and bright lights. I'll be looking for mesculin seeds to try growing a salad mix after the holidays. Have a great day everyone and stay healthy.
OMG I've got to vent. I'm not a Karen, and I don't believe in all this shut down/slow down crap, but I do STRONGLY believe in personal responsibility and respecting of others, and doing what you can personally to not spread this crap, so that we CAN remain open here. (All we have currently is a inside mask policy and indoor limitations of numbers of people per occupancy. Everything is open.)

The idiots across the road had a massive blowout, headbanging party until 1am. I'm dragging for all the ego compensating, no muffler pickup trucks and drag racing up and down the road. The turds.
Their acreage is 1/4 mile away, but the county road is between us and them. The music was blaring. At midnight we counted 23 cars that we could SEE. One would leave, peeling rubber, throwing gravel, and two more would show up. This was going on since around 6pm. OMG, the number of people. The amount of alcohol over there must have been staggering. We THINK their twins just turned 21.
By 1am they had pretty much broken up and about 10 cars lefts all at once, the rest trickled away.

All I could think of was dark roads, deer, and a whole lot of young drunk drivers, and now cootie spreaders. :he

I'm even more annoyed because the guy who did our son's car paperwork yesterday, his sister died unexpectedly this week and they can only have 25 people at the funeral/viewing, so they're just having a viewing on Monday and the funeral in May, when HOPEFULLY they can have a real do for his sister. (his mom and dad just had their non-rapid test (asymptomatic) and are hoping they can even get to the viewing.

So here's my problem with the mandates, and then I'll stop. The rule followers will always follow the rules, and those that don't won't ever -and rarely see punishment for it. Eventually the rule follower group dwindles,as more and more see their effort as futile. I personally get tired of being good so that other can go around and do whatever the hell they want.

I might have to go out and cut some branches to blow off some steam.
So sorry @Weather and I hear you. My neighbor just picked up her dad from the airport last night- no masks in the same vehicle breathing his airport travel breath on everybody. He will spend the 14 day travel quarantine having dinner and playing with the kids, like the other 5 did and then the kids will go off to school and so will the mom who teaches at our elementary school. I would love it if they were 1/4 mile away...
I don't want to break the rules when I see how futile things seem but... :he I am so tired of being mad about these fricken a-holes and inconsiderate fools. (It is not difficult people unless we make it so... :old) But, I've decided (just last week) instead of feeling mad, I was going to feel sorry for them, they must be really stupid or just insane people. No grip on reality`... don't, can't, wont see it or get it... :idunno. Must be terrible living in that world and being that head. After I weed my garden I will wash my hands of it.
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I hear you @WthrLady, I get really tired of being the "good kid" and watching the rest act out. If I see one more person who is such a "rebel" who will wear a mask cuz
the governor is makin' 'em but they refuse to wear it in any useful manner, I'm gonna scream. They should just ticket them all. I'm glad your window well is holding dry @Wee Farmer Sarah, not envying your or @Sueby 's weather though. Had enough ice back in Portland. More pics plz @igorsMistress, those babies are so sweet!
@ChocolateMouse, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and your family.

Gave the ladies another upside down X-mas tree this morning and planted a couple more trays of mixed seeds for them. The molting birds look so seedy right now, I give them extra dried bugs. Dotty must have heard me threatening freezer camp for the flower hens come spring, she's been laying like a champ for the past week now. The bunnies are making fertilizer at a scary rate so the raised beds are getting super fed right now.

DP made a huge pot of minestrone and some bread to go with it so I froze a bunch of it. Like money in the bank. OH! and we used a package of the beef cheek meat I'd bought then stashed in the freezer and that stuff is awesome! Walmart only has it once in a while but I'll be grabbing it when I can. It was like a cross between ox tail and tongue but since we'd cooked it for a really long time it was totally fall apart tender and very rich. It has a lot of connective tissue and that all gave it such a great flavor and texture.

Everyone stay safe and warm.
It has been a lazy Sunday here. I went to the grocery store this morning, got the groceries put away and made some brownies. Lasagne for dinner from the frozen section at the store with a salad and toast with fermented garlic butter. I’m laying on the bed with three dogs watching Star Wars. The ducklings are having a lazy afternoon also
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