What did you do in the garden today?

I just made my own floor cleaner for quick microfiber mopping, since the new pads they make smell so gross.
My house smells like peppermint and it's wonderful. I think I broke the beagle's nose though. :lau
I use Green Gobbler Orange Oil to mop the floors and yes, it breaks the dogs nose, but the house smells nice
just got 7 inches of snow. UGH
We got snow tonight too. It's supposed to turn into rain soon. We got about 3 inches. I snowblowed to avoid the site and rain turning into a sheet of ice. I was feeling neighborly so I did the sidewalks of my neighbors on both sides and the neighbor across the street. I didn't shovel the back patio though. I'm hoping I don't regret it.
Hey all. Totally checked out of everything for the last few days - work, online, etc. Was a great few days!

All this talk of seeds & stuff, I really need to decide what I'm going to plant. I think I have seeds for everything I'd plant except for onions anyway, so I don't think I need to order anything.

& those ducks got sooo big!! 😳

I also compost all year round too, but it freezes & I don't bother turning it most of the winter because if it thaws the ground is mush too & I make a mess with the tractor. When it thaws in spring I start turning & it's ready by fall.
I'm not, 7 inches of snow would cover our 3 inches of ice and make it safe to walk again. >_> Not to mention all that atmospheric nitrogen... Send it all my way will ya?
On the one hand I really want some snow on the other hand though I’m enjoying the warm weather we’re getting this week. I’m going to try to plant some lettuce and finish the strawberries today. I’m also going to call some of the local box stores to see if they’ve gotten any seeds in or expect them soon.
seed sources???

A while back some popular seed sources were mentioned. Seed Savers, Burpee, etc. But, there was one that several mentioned, But I cant find the part of the thread where this was discussed and I didn't save the link. I'm pretty sure that site is where I found something I wanted to purchase, but I need a name reminder! So what sources do you use for seeds?

I go with Territorial Seeds for most seeds. A bit pricey for some things, but they're local-ish, so germination rates and harvest dates are pretty accurate, and they have lots of varieties to experiment with.

Hey, calling all gardeners! Does anybody know of the existence of a seedling heat mat that is battery powered?????

I just finished reading a gardening book (recommended by some of you folks, if I recall correctly) and got my Territorial Seed catalog in the mail, so now I'm in full-on garden-planning adrenaline mode!

My reality though, is that I have way too many half-finished projects sitting around here. Seriously, we look like hoarders with all future-plan-materials piled around here. Pallets, various wire fencing, a pile of wood chips...We were hoping to get a couple pet goats this coming spring, but realistically, there's no way we can build a fence and shelter for goats, finish turning the ancient horse trailer into a coop so we can get more chickens, and still grow everything we want in the garden.

So what I want to do is delay goats for this year and instead narrow our focus on finishing the trailer chicken coop (no deadline, we did finish a new nice big predator-proof yard for the chickens we have, just can't get more right away) and concentrate on making the garden more productive and easier to deal with.

We want to take the non-treated fence posts we bought for the goat fence last spring, that have just been sitting around, and make raised beds out of them instead. And put foam panels covered with reflective foil inside the greenhouse on the north side to maintain heat. I don't have the right environment in my house to start seedlings inside, so I want to start them in the greenhouse, but there's no power out there.

Does anybody have advice how to generate enough heat in a non-powered greenhouse to start seedlings?

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