What did you do in the garden today?

okay only half a bed. its definitely not the efficient method but playing in the dirt feels so good to me.

Oh, man, I am soooo jealous. I would LOVE to go out and weed right now.

My mom and Grandma were both gardeners. I didn't "get" gardening when I was a kid. But I get it now. Mom, Grandma, I get it now.
It ain’t pretty, but it’s free 💛 three section compost bin is checked off the list! Just have to add some chicken wire & move the OG compost out of the garden and into this.
It ain’t pretty, but it’s free 💛 three section compost bin is checked off the list! Just have to add some chicken wire & move the OG compost out of the garden and into this.
View attachment 2501809
I need to redo mine. How did you fasten it together? Just plain screws or something else?
It ain’t pretty, but it’s free 💛 three section compost bin is checked off the list! Just have to add some chicken wire & move the OG compost out of the garden and into this.
View attachment 2501809
I think it looks awesome! I wish I had some pallets that we weren’t using. Now I want to make compost bins lol. I really don’t need another project. I have laundry to finish, a house to clean and a garden to finish mulching which I can’t do until I patch the tire on the wheelbarrow. And if the weather stays clear it will be time to start planting peas and some of the other hardy veggies next weekend.
I think it looks awesome! I wish I had some pallets that we weren’t using. Now I want to make compost bins lol. I really don’t need another project. I have laundry to finish, a house to clean and a garden to finish mulching which I can’t do until I patch the tire on the wheelbarrow. And if the weather stays clear it will be time to start planting peas and some of the other hardy veggies next weekend.
A wheelbarrow with a tire?🤔 Mine has a metal wheel (it’s ancient). But so am I!
A wheelbarrow with a tire?🤔 Mine has a metal wheel (it’s ancient). But so am I!
Yep! Picked it up at the county co op
It’s one of the ones that’s designed to be lightweight with 2 tires and a plastic basin. It’s about 3 years old and it’s held up well until now. I’m a fairly tiny human so it’s a lot easier to use than a normal one. I may post a pic tomorrow it’s dark now.

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