What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning all. The ice storm didn't wreak too much havoc in our neighborhood, thank goodness. After the temps dipped into the teens overnight DD's little dog discovered that he could run on top of the frozen snow. He had a real good time slipping and sliding all over the yard. Still more snow in the forecast for Friday, wah! I'm supposed to drive into Boston for my second Covid shot but if the snow is too much I'll have to wait until next week. I'm nearly finished with the painting in my living room. I still have one more corner and some touch ups to go. I was able to move my Norfolk pine into a little alcove in there. It looks like it was made for that spot. Now I can move some of the plants around in the sunroom so there will be plenty of room for seed starting. The "little" tree was taking up a lot of space. I love terra cotta pots and prefer them over plastic since they let the plant roots breathe a bit. On really hot days try setting your pots so they can draw water from the bottom of the pot as they need it. The cost difference between plastic and terra cotta is not all that much around here. A good quality, sturdy plastic pot will cost about the same as a terra cotta one. However, we must all decide what works best for our gardens.
Was supposed to snow last night, didn't. Is supposed to be snowing right now, isn't. Ha! I'm not complaining. It's just, I swear, weatherman is the only job where you can be wrong half the time and not get fired.

Waiting impatiently for my seeds to germinate. I check them like three or four times a day even though I know darn well I won't see a thing for at least four more days. Need a rest day from activity after yesterday, may start the aeroponic tower tomorrow. Also, one of my 2x4s ran off...:hmm
Nope sure haven't. Hope she's ok.

@BReeder! We have a buy fresh. buy local program through the university that does the same thing as well as advertising for us. Which reminds me, I need to put in this year's application.

Another day of power sharing with the south. Water is banked for us and the livestock. Was planning on baking and sewing today, but not with unannounced shut offs looming. Too hard on the electronics. SO I might swap today with market day. Who knows. Pretty sad when everyone here is excited about a warm day. Today we'll be at 6' LOL.
Was supposed to snow last night, didn't. Is supposed to be snowing right now, isn't. Ha! I'm not complaining. It's just, I swear, weatherman is the only job where you can be wrong half the time and not get fired.
No crap! You should have seen me trying to navigate the weather driving across the country - weather.com had a pop up that said, 'clear skies for the next 6 hours' - IT WAS SNOWING ON US! :smack We drove 2.5 days straight without stopping to beat the snow & ice that was supposed to hit CT on Sunday, it was sunny all day on Sunday & we didn't see a flake or a drop. 🙄 We can't drive the rig in any snow at all, we have to park, so it made my job as navigator almost impossible.
So far it looks like everything survived 2 nights in the teens. The peas look better today. I moved them into the greenhouse yesterday. The average soil temp stayed above freezing I think thats what saved the strawberries.Thought I’d post pics of all the seedlings.

Catnip. It needs repotted now.

Kiwi plant. The leaves are starting to get big.

Asparagus seedlings

mystery plant that I thought was an artichoke. Might be a butternut squash.




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Aloha garden gang!
I have not been playing in the dirt much at all these last few months and have basically checked out on much of BYC too- just for a bit. I have not been feeling very social after the capital riot. :confused:

Winter seems to be passing us by here- still pretty warm- though we are getting some rain today and tomorrow with some cool temps to follow. I did order some seeds, had chooks dig my compost for bugs and have mainly been playing with all things chicken.

Teen girls being girls and emptying some nest boxes and the teen boys try to mate my feet every time I walk out of the house :rolleyes::th:hmm:tongue:he:gig:rant:barnie:lau,

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Garden helpers...

6- 1 month old chicks (all girls!) and a broody due in a few days. And I have been homing all forms of chooks- almost constantly.
So, that's it, just been working and playing with all things chicken- even ignoring my poor horse again. 20201221_174519.jpg
Poor thing.

I am planning on planting more salad greens and some tomatoes but I have been thinking and saying "i'm gunna" for a few months now. .. :hmm

DH and I have been going for lots of long walks in the late eves when the temps are perfect and the stars magnificent.

And I started raising mealworms!!

I'll take some time to read what y'all have been up to but this is a fast moving thread so i apologize in advance as I will miss much. I am interested to hear how many have been effected by the winters weather. I have caught a few glimpses from the news and it looks like there have been some big problem areas. I hope you all are well and safe and warm!!! Aloha!!!
Well, the second day was a little colder and even the mustard did not make it through 48 hrs of this cold shtuff. Rolling blackouts have Hit the area but we have miraculously avoided them. I have 12 citrus trees. All the trees will lose most if not all leaves. We will see how many survive. Most were trees developed for this area and we even have a native trifoliate orange that supplies the rootstock for most of our citrus. So maybe I will not lose much. Also I lost about 100-150 lbs of oranges that were still on my 2 trees. Tried to get friends and family to come pick as much as they could carry away but had no takers.Texas 10-15 and purple creole Onions may pull out of it even though they were pretty freezer burnt. Those varieties have survived pretty low temps before for me. Have one more front coming through Friday night but not supposed to as cold as the past couple days. Ciao!

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