What did you do in the garden today?

Managed to dig a 2 foot deep hole and get a 10 foot cedar post in the ground for the shade cloth next spring. I did have an 8 foot in, but it was just too short.

I worked a little too late and was out when the pirate bugs came out. Mean little turds.
Very smokey, very dusty out. Hoping for a rain tonight. This is sad.
On this note... I think I'm going to make a little tomato trellis under a shade cloth for my tomatoes next year and leave it outside the hoop house. I always plant a tomato outside the hoop house to act as a trap crop. For the past 2 years, that trap tomato has performed better than the ones in the hoop house! So we are going to try something different. I will do cukes in the hoop house and tomatoes in the open.
My injured hen is standing and drinking this evening. I think she is going to make it through.... She got lucky. I had another hen last year that flew into the run netting and got stuck upside down. She only could have been there a couple of hours at the most but it killed her.

Anyway, I'm going to keep this hen inside overnight. I will let her back in the coop tomorrow morning if she shows interest in food and doesn't seem to be limping.
No, the ones I planted never grew.

it was too hot when you planted them. try to get them now. when I planted them in winter they did well. but they were in a planter facing south so they didn't last. I will try to plant raspberries in my new place but I will choose a cooler place without afternoon sun. that might help.
Do you eat yours? Or use them as sponges?

Just wondering why you are worried about weather? I use my loofah for sponges and just let them dry and turn brown on the vine?
Someone on here had said to be sure I brought them in before the frost got to the because it would ruin them. So that’s what I was basing my decision on.
I’ve never grown them before. I plan to use them as sponges.
So, it will be okay for them to freeze or at least get frosted on the vine?

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