What did you do in the garden today?

No way I can catch up! LOL.
Hope all are ok, someone fill me in if I missed something major.
Will be kind of scarce for a bit. No gardening atm, besides spreading poo and some lime today. Hoophouse will be flowers only next year, and I probably won't put on a roof. It's too hot here for a hoophouse too quickly. There is no middle ground season at each end of summer that makes a hoophouse worth while.

This is the time of year we work, scrambling to get ranch projects done before it's too cold/too wet/snowy to get them done. PLUS getting son settled into his new place, and classes, and normal insanity of life - awesome isn't it?!!!! I'll be having a major purge of this place to clear out things he didn't need and we don't need and shifting my whole studio down the hall, but that can be done on a cooler day.

Be well everyone.
Well they all went cackle crazy today, I ran to the window getting ready to yell at a hawk, only to find them, two standing on top of a bucket, one on top of the coop and two others in the middle of the yard, all singing their heads off. Hmm, that's not scared, I go look and theres a little egg the size of a quail egg maybe. I think one of the lil girls is finally starting to lay, I didn't think it would be for another 3 or 4 few weeks yet but am not complaining!

Dug the deep dirt / crap out of the inside part of the coop, it's getting colder / damper out and time to get the composted stuff out and an entire new layer down in there. It was nice and rich already so mixed it right in with a batch I am getting ready to throw my garlic into. I really need to spend a good solid day in the yard but it is just cold damp drizzly crappy day out today. Raining just enough to make any work you want to do outside miserable but not enough to water anything :( oh well, maybe tomorrow.

Good afternoon all. Had a pretty good frost this morning. Worked on the garden cleanup. I picked all the remaining kale and turnips. I could have left them in the ground longer but I really want to put the garden to bed soon. I’m up to my elbows in washing kale. The turnip greens can go to the chickens. I haven’t weighed the turnips yet but I’m guessing nearly 2 pounds. I know it doesn’t sound like much but I did plant them late and I’ve never really got any turnip bulbs wider than carrots in the past. Now I know to plant them after the onion harvest. I like to use them in place of potatoes but they are rare in my local grocery stores. My late peas were in bloom and developing pods just yesterday. I haven’t even looked at them today. Fingers crossed they are fine. My two non molting hens gifted me two eggs earlier. I think that’s a record for my hens. One of my Columbian Wyandotte hens is have a hard molt. Pink skin with feathers poking through. They all got a warm mash of chicken pellets with scrambled eggs and greens for breakfast this morning. One more frosty morning tomorrow then we get a little bit of a warm up. I never heard of soaking garlic before planting. Did I miss the memo? Lol!
It's cold and rainy today... Just what that pasture seed needs to germinate but certainly not conducive to being outside. I'm huddled in my recliner with a quilt and a nice warm dog in my lap. 😂 Weather will be much nicer after the weekend. I have quite a few garden chores to get done next week. It's the last week of my sabbatical before I head back to work.
Good Afternoon Gardeners. We have a dry day
I started the day late taking a shower trying to adult.
Adulting was indeed hard today. Worked an extra shift last night as a favor, managed to sleep in till after 9. Chickens may have gotten butchered(just) but garden didnt get cleaned out nor did the last of the potatoes get dug.
It was a gorgeous day today. No clouds, temp near 60, so perfect for working outside.

I've decided to try to grow grapes at one end of my heavy soil garden. I'm going to put a bunch of sand/compost in that area, as grapes like all the good stuff: well drained, fertile, and pH 5.5-6.5. We'll see how they do.

It's supposed to be almost as nice tomorrow, hazy sun and a little cooler. I plan to dig a trench for the grapes, add sand, leaves, maybe some wood chips. I'll see how long my elbows last. They've been letting me know when I've been working.

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