What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning from picturesque New England where the snow is blowing and the pellet stove is burning. LOL! There was 6 inches of fresh snow on the ground when I finally let the dogs out at 6:15 am. After I had my first cup of coffee (nearly an hour later) I went out to shovel a path to the chicken yard and coop. There was another 1 1/2 inches of fresh snow where I had shoveled for the dogs. there's been intermittent rain, sleet and snow but the snow was a lot lighter than I anticipated. As for total precipitation @WthrLady and @Sueby I'm guessing we will top out with maybe ten inches of snow plus the precip that lowers the snow pile will likely to add another couple of inches. My neighbors across the street cleared their driveway and by the time they had cleared their 2 parking spots they were totally covered again. The part I'm not crazy about is clearing then path to the chicken coop and making sure the dogs can find their special place. I have no plans to venture out today so I'll clear the front sidewalk and the driveway when this storm is over. I did go out yesterday, primarily because I realized that I had not been out of my Wee Farm bubble from 8 days in a row. I went to Walmart and had a blast. They have all their seeds in and also blueberry bushes, grapes, raspberry, blackberry, strawberry, and hydrangeas. I restrained my myself and only picked up a twin pack of blueberry bushes. Their shelves were also loaded with canning supplies and food saver bags. Of course I had to add to my stash. Today I watered my leeks. I'll make the watering rounds to the rest of the houseplants later. That's all I've got for now. Oh, and who mentioned they thought rain added nitrogen to the soil? I believe that works only for snowflakes. Apparently the ice crystals "grab onto" the nitrogen in the atmosphere and carries that to our gardens. On the weather front @Sueby, it will be in the mid 40's tomorrow and the rest of the week. So the snow will be melting and you'll be able to get around again. Have a great day all!
Before breakfast shot
Saturday 3 March 10 to 8.jpg
swiss chard (a very colorful variety),
One of my favorite things to grow!
it will be in the mid 40's tomorrow and the rest of the week.
We have mid 30s all week. Hope it’s enough to melt. The girls are getting anxious to get out of the run! I do leave their door open to the garden when it snows sometimes, but they just look at the white stuff and stay in their covered tarped run. Glad we built it big enough!
Will the snow seems to have missed us. So much for expecting 3 inches...
I did get some gardening in today. Starting some more seeds was a family activity. We added all the following newly sown seeds to the diy grow tent: oregano, thyme, basil, parsley, dill, chives, swiss chard (a very colorful variety), baby choi, and Igloo and Four Seasons lettuce varieties. All the herbs are in 3.5" pots and the greens are in starter cells.

Tomorrow is supposed to be 51 and rain. I'm going to try to get out there and fill one of the tiered beds. I'll need it ready to get the greens transplanted by the end of the month like I'm planning.

Anybody plant potatoes early? I planted on late March one year and they got flooded in April showers just a week or two later that were the worst rain falls we've seen in our 6 years living here so they rotted. I was thinking about trying to get the potatoes in near the end of this month again, but is it too risky?
I recall planting pretty early one year. They sprouted above ground eventually - but they got a bit zapped by frost - the above ground leaves turned dark and withered. They did rebound and produced a crop. I had read that getting zapped by frost can reduce the yield, however we were satisfied with what we got and it didn’t seem “reduced”.

Rain: we can also get heavy rainfall. But plant in a raised bed, so they get drained of excess water pretty well.

I plan to plant my potatoes shortly after they arrive…sometime in march.
Spent 3 hours outside in the sunshine. I had to finish removing the nice fan from the old hoophouse and then fit it to the greenhouse.
Then I put up the purple martin house as it was in the greenhouse in my way.
Lunch had. I'm going to go finish installing the wiring for the fan so I can deal with the cords before the chill comes here next week. I'd rather work in the sun.

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