What did you do in the garden today?

I had a similar project last year with our old grill. However the bottom of the inside completely disintegrated so it essentially became useless. It's scheduled for a trip to the dump very soon.

Well that's a bummer! The shell of our grill was still pretty solid even after all these years, fortunately! It will be interesting to see how much longer it will last as an herb garden!
I hope so! The Asian Pears tried to produce 2 last year, but nope, they fell off. Iā€™m hoping for a few this year. Everything else is too young. Plus, we are novices at this, so itā€™s learn as we go. My FIL has many fruit trees in another state (very different climate), so my spouse has some very basic knowledge from teen years when FIL was just starting the trees.

For the first few years I didn't get anything off of our asian pears but last year it went bonkers. The only thing I did was add compost on top of the soil with biochar. All of the fruit trees liked that addition but I really think they're a little slower to mature than some of the others.
Nothing much happening but scheming at the moment. This last week.... Well. Things went south hard and fast there for a bit. Light duty wasn't going to fix the problem, the problem was already beyond fixing sadly. I'm recovering, nearly feel normal again, itching to garden but we've moved up our moving plans in light of recent developments and now I'm scheming to get tires set up for an instant-garden. Probably be a painfully late garden again this year.... Oh well. I'll get a little out of it at least.
My landlady has an old bathtub in her yard that she turned into a planter, and I've seen toilets on lawns with flowers growing out of the bowl. Why not? Lol!
If you google street view our house there is a toilet with flowers in it in the front yard. šŸ¤£ It was gone before I got here, but I believe it might have been a FU to the neighbors as there was a bunch of drama before we got here.

The snow last night was a big bust, all rain thankfully. šŸ¤ž for the same on Mon/Tues/Wed!

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