What did you do in the garden today?

I also learned what savages chickens are. I found a cute toad while weeding, and, to my horror, watched as my favorite chicken grabbed it and ran away. I attempted to rescue the toad, but by the time I caught up with Lovelace, alas, the toad was dead. My favorite chicken had the AUDACITY to peck out his innards, shove it in her beak, and swallow the thing whole. Unbelievable.
I saw what happened to a small mouse when it zigged instead of zagged, and ended up in the run.
Drought in Northcentral PA has the ground hard as concrete. Thankfully the rain is finally coming, so I can do more in my garden than just watering. The peonies are coming on nicely, though, and the pollinators are loving the perennial salvia and comfrey.

Is it making, um, I think they're called 'poodles'? It's been so long I don't remember.
Is that what those the things of water gathered on top of the ground are called?

We went to a baseball game today, but it was cancelled. I'm not mad about it because we still had a good time, and REALLY need the rain. My rain gauge on the garden fence said 0.3". So, I shouldn't need to water for a bit. Possible rain and thunderstorms are in the forecast for Tuesday-Saturday!

Also, @Sally PB - I guess I missed at least 3:
We made real progresson the shed build today. The 8 remaining concrete piles are in place, joists are in place, and we have 2 of 5 sheets of plywood flooring down. Once everything was level things starting moving faster. I could have walls framed tomorrow if I find the time after work to get out there.

Trained here this morning. No major downpour, but hours worth of drizzle. It wasn't enough, but it was something.

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