What did you do in the garden today?

Yesterday was so awesome weather-wise, today we have rain coming, then very windy Friday with 50mph gusts. Humidity & wind really kick my butt, arthritis & fibromyalgia, sinus headaches, the works. Yesterday I felt & worked like I was 20 & today I am paying the price, feeling old, sacroiliac pain along with a barometric headache. Oh well, gotta take the good with the bad, right?

I can't paint on the jobsite til Sat & Sun, so today I can rake what I tilled, before it rains. (After I pop 2 Aleve). I wanted to spread the wildflower seeds in that tilled section, but with high winds I will hold off. I use straw over top of the seed so I can wait a few days, no sense letting wind blow straw all over. After raking this morning I will be washing & crating eggs for market, pickling some eggs for us, & potting about 50 house plants...my house plants had baby plants & I rooted them.
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Chlorophytum comosum, usually called spider plant or common spider plant due to its spider-like look, also known as spider ivy, airplane plant, ribbon plant (a name it shares with Dracaena sanderiana), and hen and chickens, is a species of evergreen perennial flowering plant of the family Asparagaceae.

The tomato sprouts...I guess they're growing, but darn, seems like slow motion to me. I brought them outside yesterday as it was 70s & sunny. They did like sunshine, after so many cloudy rainy days here.
But "Something" ate a few sprouts tender leaves off! What kind of bug would do that? The little jerk ate a few then took off before I could see the culprit that did this dastardly deed.

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I got the Brussel sprout seeds & 2 other types of tomato seeds started. Got more canning jars at Dollar General.

So...on a kind of funny note, I was in the newer chicken coop, which still is not completely finished, and I saw a visitor slither in. This 12x24 shed used to be a wood shop & I often found perfectly intact shed skins, some quite long. I donated them to Prime Hook refuge for educational purposes. Anyway, they're good mousers, so I left them alone. Rick despises & is quite fearful of them, so I figured I'd better relocate this one. If Rick has seen it, not sure if he would just run from it or kill it. So I took it for a ride, a safer place, huge natural growing area, where no one will mess with him/her. I asked Rick to drive but he wouldn't even come out of the house when he saw me holding it! I drove 1 handed & I have to tell ya, Mr./Ms. Snake was a better passenger than Rick...no backseat driving! 😆 I told Rick, he'd better be nice to his Lady Snake Wrangler, here. Lol
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Too long to get whole body in 1 pic while holding, had to take 3
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See ya later, hope I don't regret this...snake will be happy but I may miss a good mouser
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Rat snake!

They eat Copperheads.
Oh, what about my gardens?

It rained and blew HARD today, but I don't see any damage.

First pea blossom!


Summer squash is growing. I put the stakes in yesterday.


Pond iris is blooming as well.
Can I claim chicks as dependents???

I think you can, an acquaintance of mine told me he claims 7 dependents, but in reality, he has none. He got kicked out of the army because he couldn't keep up with the physical fitness test. However, he is kind of a math genius, you could give him any numbers to multiply or divide, and he will tell you the answer within a minute without a calculator. He can figure it out in his head.

Oh, another thing, he told me he doesn't file taxes, even if money is owed to him.
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Chilly today but it didn't rain so I let the girls out and got another of the beds cleared. The girls made out like bandits, I tossed them snails and other creepy crawlers as I worked and all was good until I lost my mind and set the tray with the kale on the ground. My girls really like kale and found them but I noticed the kale party before any were killed. I got kale, lettuce, leeks, snapdragons, and celery planted. Put down more snail bait and watered a little bit. It's supposed to rain some tonight so the plants should take. Only thing left in the the greenhouse now are the peppers and tomatoes.
What a yucky day yesterday. It rained so much. Today, more rain -although not as much- and more wind. The run was SOAKED. Hopefully we can add gutters to divert the rain, but husband seems to always find something else to do instead.

Also took in the 5 baby goats to be disbudded. This happens when the horn buds are very early, and the vet burns them off. They got a shave, lidocaine, horn iron, then an aluminum spray on the area. They seem ok now. The little girl did not get disbudded bc girls tend to have slower growing buds, and she’s really tiny, but growing well. Goats are usually required to be dehorned (or disbudded) for shows, and many people want them without horns when used as pets or when around children, or for keeping the goat safe bc horns make it easy to get stuck in/on something or to injure another goat. We will sell all the boys, so the disbudding should help with a sale.

I really need to start my tomato seeds… I keep saying it, but maybe today.
Do you have an angle grinder? With a cutoff wheel it cuts through wire like butter.
Good idea, my DH uses that tool. I don't know why, but I always grab the old school tool, the big scissors looking cutters, 1st. Guess seeing Dad do things that way as a child imprinted the old tools on me. I have to admit, although not fearful of snakes, the sparks flinging out by the grinder tool on metal wire kinda freaks me out. Lol Go figure. I stick with the snippers.

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