What did you do with your flock today?

Has it been a cold winter there? It has been relatively mild and wet here this year and I don't think the mites have taken much of a break. I've also got a small outbreak which I've been controlling for about two months but a friend's coop nearby was infested in late December and has been battling them ever since!
We did not have a long cold winter, only one week of temps below 20°F, and these mites have been relentless. Hopefully this last spraying with spinosad will give residual killing effects. I've been checking just about every day. They've been hatching out often, as if the weather is like summertime. It's been in the 50's-60's days, 40's nights. It'll hit 80 on one day this week then back to 60's. Maybe a heat gun might kill the eggs, too? Without actually setting the wood on fire, hmmmm.
I sure don't know why I haven't had to deal with mites much. Seems like everyone else does. And we're in the forest where I would expect them in abundance, but maybe the forest keeps things too cool. IDK. Just glad I'm not dealing with it. But I watch for signs all the time, and have actually sprayed the coop and chickens before because I thought I might have seen one. I would hate to be dealing with that on an ongoing basis. So sorry you all have to.
OMG! Something must be in the water! Had two start to try to go broody. Goldie(gold neck) is pissed I put her in a crate (again. I swear I just broke her) and... As we were checking on them after sunset, there was another one(Australorp) in a nest making those raptor noises broodies make! Gah! Lol


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Onyx has gone downhill further. After yesterday, when she was so excited about treats, I thought she had bounced back. When I came home this evening, she was by herself just sitting on the grass. I went to catch her, and she went in the space under the coop, just standing there, now just sitting with seemingly labored breathing. I cannot reach her there. Earlier today she was just standing by the water bucket. I caught her, and for a brief moment was able to feel her belly, which is out beyond her soft breast bone, and hard. I am fearing this could be a tumor? Have read that there is no curing swollen bellies. Not sure what to do. I have a sinking feeling she'll die soon.
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Onyx has gone downhill further. After yesterday, when she was so excited about treats, I thought she had bounced back. When I came home this evening, she was by herself just sitting on the grass. I went to catch her, and she went in the space under the coop, just standing there, now just sitting with seemingly labored breathing. I cannot reach her there. Earlier today she was just standing by the water bucket. I caught her, and for a brief moment was able to feel her belly, which is out beyond her soft breast bone, and hard. I am fearing this could be a tumor? Have read that there is no curing swollen bellies. Not sure what to do. I have a sinking feeling she'll die soon.
I am so sad for Onyx and for you!!! :hugs I have no idea what is going on with her. I recently lost two of mine to Ascites, but that is a soft water balloon type tummy. I even tried draining the second one, which made her more comfortable, but lost her anyway. It is just so hard when we cannot diagnose nor treat our sweet little hens. Makes me so sad. 😢 I'm so sorry. :hugs
I am so sad for Onyx and for you!!! :hugs I have no idea what is going on with her. I recently lost two of mine to Ascites, but that is a soft water balloon type tummy. I even tried draining the second one, which made her more comfortable, but lost her anyway. It is just so hard when we cannot diagnose nor treat our sweet little hens. Makes me so sad. 😢 I'm so sorry. :hugs
Thank you for your hugs.. Recently read that cancer and tumors are more common than we think, in birds as young as she is. She has gotten where she doesn't want to roost, and just sits in the yard until she basically goes to bed. Looking for a cull person in my area. So sorry you lost your 2. No curing things of this sort. I've lost more than one to ascites.
Today I thought that Bianca was sick. And that would've been really bad because you won't find a vet around here on a Saturday.


But then I sat down next to her and asked her what's wrong (like she was going to tell me "I have a headache" or something lol).

And she did this.


Then, after a few seconds, she decided that my foot was a better place to rest.


So I guess she's okay... she's just chilling.

Onyx has gone downhill further. After yesterday, when she was so excited about treats, I thought she had bounced back. When I came home this evening, she was by herself just sitting on the grass. I went to catch her, and she went in the space under the coop, just standing there, now just sitting with seemingly labored breathing. I cannot reach her there. Earlier today she was just standing by the water bucket. I caught her, and for a brief moment was able to feel her belly, which is out beyond her soft breast bone, and hard. I am fearing this could be a tumor? Have read that there is no curing swollen bellies. Not sure what to do. I have a sinking feeling she'll die soon.
So sorry popo... sometimes there's really just nothing you can do. She's had a good life til now though and hopefully her passing goes as gently as possible. :hugs
Back home with my beautiful, darling, beloved and much missed daughter. My house is filled with boxes and bags everywhere and I'm beat. And my bathroom is already showing kid mess....🤣😂🤣

Lost the new hatched pea baby almost as soon as I got home. Hubby tried his best and there was a chick in with it to help it learn to eat, but pea babies need extra TLC those first days and I wasn't here to give it. ☹️☹️☹️☹️ 😭💔

Everyone else is looking wonderful. I want to move some birds around to put my grow outs in with their intended flocks....but think I better help kid get all her stuff sorted and stored first.

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