What do you feed your Turkeys?


7 Years
Mar 23, 2012
Tickfaw, Louisiana
I have a few dozen Holland White Turkeys that range with over 100 chickens, 4 geese and almost 100 ducks over 5 acres. Since they all eat together, it's not practical to try and feed them separately. I have been feeding them all 18% min. protein pellets. I was wondering if there is anything, I can grow, to supplement this feed, as the local feed store in my area doesn't carry turkey grower and to order it would be more than double what I am paying for the pellets I am buying now?
I feed all of my animals Flockraiser (chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, peas). Been doing it for years with no problems. I don't know what you can grow to supplement. Sorry.:(

I feed all mine Flock raiser too but we supplement our feeding by growing our own greens and raising meal worms and slugs!
I have checker the price of "flock raiser" locally and it is quite expensive, to feed 3 to 4 bags a day at $17.50 to $19 a bag plus tax. They also eat grass and garden surplus and all the bugs, worms, crickets, etc., they can catch. But since I currently have so many birds, I am looking for a high protein crop to grow to cut down on costs. I say an 18% min protein deer feed at the Academy sporting goods store, that he salesman said people were buying for their Turkeys and chickens, but deer are vegetarians, so I think. My birds forage for buggies every day being free range, until they put themselves away in the barns at dark-thirty. Do you think this is feasible? I am spending over twice as much for their feed that ours but plan to harvest most of them soon as the weather turns a little cooler. Where do I find Meal worms and how do you grow them. My flocks loves to dig in the compost pile whenever my husband turns it.Our compost is mostly grass clippings, horse manure and shavings, and rabbit manure. I also have a bucket of oyster shell crumbles at their disposal, if they need it. I do not mix it with their food, they jut eat it if they want to like the rock a grit they gather around the yard and wind up in their gizzards. This feed costs $7.99 a sack. What do you'll think about it? All suggestions will be appreciated! Thank,
I bought Monmouth sunflower seeds to plant in the spring. Aren't these very high in Protein? Are they good for Turkeys and chickens? Whenever I harvest a duck that forage a lot it has acorns in it's crop and gizzard! are they good also?

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