What do you think of this coop?


11 Years
Oct 21, 2009
Oregon Rain Forest
Hello I really value the opinion of others here on the forum. I am interested in a small light weight coop that I can manage to move around my yard with ease by myself. I've found one on ebay I've taken an interest in that I feel would do the trick but I'd like to here what your thoughts are on it. Do you feel it is a waste of $..I've been working hard to save money for something that will house 3-4 bantams. My husband will make a pvc run for me that would go with this coop here is the link
If you can contain yourself to the 4 bantams, it would be OK. The problem is, poulty are like chips, you can't stop with just a few.
Good luck to you.
Funny, I'm new to the hobby and I just bought one of those coops. Very light weigh, the guy that sells them is very helpful. I was skeptical at first but I'm pretty excited to move my three babies out into it, later in the year. I'll only have three full size hens so it should be plenty of room. I think its a pretty cute idea and the price is just what I was looking for. Good luck.
Might want to put some more security on that to prevent preds, like putting better locks on it and putting some wire behind the holes in it. I don't think this will fare well in high wind situations so if you live where there is a lot of wind I would take that into consideration. I don't mean to shoot down your hopes if I did, I am just giving my opinion.
Thanks all for the info and opinions..that's exactly what I was looking for. I already have a larger coop/run that I have other chickens housed in right now. Like so many others have stated, chickens are like chip's you always want a handful more, which is why I am investing in this additional coop. I want separate living quarters for different hens, this pod will be used to house my EE's.
This coop is made of plastic. It would not be predator proof and would not be winter proof. You could not put a heat source of any kind in it. It may not even be summer proof as it would get very hot. At 16 pounds you can expect it to go blowing across the lawn, unless you tie it down.
Your right. We don't get much bad weather here..Lot's of rain and occasional snow, mild summers...However I would worry about an occasional wind blowing up, that's really something to consider.
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