What to do with male ducklings once they hatch?



In the Brooder
Aug 21, 2019
Hi all!
I’ve got seven runners in the incubator and 14 days left until hatch day (January 11!). All the embryos seem viable and I can even feel the little “pops” they make when they kick! So precious!

Anyway, it’s been on my mind lately that not all of these little ones are necessarily going to be female. I only really need maybe one male from this batch. What should I do with the other males? Putting them down is an option, but, as this is my “first rodeo” with hatching my own, I’d like to hear if there’s other viable options.

What say you fine folk?

PS don’t flame me. I know it’s cruel, that’s why I’m asking for other options.
Hi there, welcome to BYC! :frow

Really, that is a question that should be asked before setting eggs to hatch. ;)

As others have stated you won't be able to tell the gender difference at hatch.

Runners aren't usually raised for meat, but that doesn't have to stop you from putting them on the table to feed your family, your dogs or pets, etc.

Birds I don't feel like processing get used as compost or fertilizer. Hatchlings that don't make it also can become food for snakes, raptor rehab centers, and other wildlife rehabs.

I don't consider dispatching chicks for whatever reason you choose as cruel. If not used for something worthwhile, maybe wasteful. I do consider trying to save every bird and risking others or letting them die slowly as not so humane.

Happy hatching! :fl:jumpy:jumpy
Hi all!
I’ve got seven runners in the incubator and 14 days left until hatch day (January 11!). All the embryos seem viable and I can even feel the little “pops” they make when they kick! So precious!

Anyway, it’s been on my mind lately that not all of these little ones are necessarily going to be female. I only really need maybe one male from this batch. What should I do with the other males? Putting them down is an option, but, as this is my “first rodeo” with hatching my own, I’d like to hear if there’s other viable options.

What say you fine folk?

PS don’t flame me. I know it’s cruel, that’s why I’m asking for other options.

Male only flock or gift/sell them to somebody you know as reliable/competent. BTW, I posted one elsewhere, but here's another video about vent-sexing:

You need to be careful doing it, but it's something you can do to determine their sex a day after they hatch so you can more readily re-home them by taking advantage of their duckling "Awwww" factor.
I have vent sexed ducklings and I have a drake I kept and he is so friendly! I handled all my duckling as best as I could. Not everyone was friendly........but my favorite was!
I shouldve seid, it could scar your ducklings, i vent sexed a single duckling i had and it never trusted me again afterwards. and i was wrong about the gender anyway

i find the Males are always the nicer pets, you can almost guess the gender just by their temperment as ducklings

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