What would cause 8 (out of 14) seemingly healthy day old chicks to die suddenly??


7 Years
Dec 18, 2012
I had 14 chicks hatch tuesday- wednesday (day 22-23). I have a Brinsea oct 20 advanced and picked up the eggs from a man that hatches 100 chicks a week. The chicks seemed healthy and strong. I have them in a brooder in my kitchen with lamp and paper towels for bedding. Yesterday morning I put in feed and water (both which had been cleaned before hand) I sprinkled starter (purina med) on the floor. All were pecking at it and acting normal until 1:30 yesterday when 1 started chirping very loudly. I went to check on it and it started flopping around chirping and within minutes it was dead! this happen one after the other with 8 chicks dying within 1 1/2 hours. The other six seem to be fine so far. The feed is the same feed I am feeding to my 3 1/2 wk old chicks. I added save a chick to the water last night but other than that I have changed nothing. I did not spray anything in the air or use any chemicals. Cannot understand how chicks acting fine one minute could be dead a few minutes later. Horrible to watch :( This is the first chicks we have hatched and I am new to raising chicks. I have read everything that I can find and nothing explains something like this. I called the man where I got the eggs (and other chicks) and he said he has never heard of anything like this. Any ideas what could have caused such a mass sudden death of normal acting chicks??
Are you using a heat lamp? The bulb isn't coated is it? Look into everything that is different than how/what you are providing for your healthy chicks. Change everything you can to something you KNOW is non toxic. I could (and frequently am) be wrong, but it sure sounds like they were somehow poisoned. You are giving them warm water to drink, right? It doesn't sound like an inherited event, too fast, and too concentrated. Hopefully someone can give you more help. I'm very sorry this happened to you and them.
I am using a red bulb brooder lamp. Same type I have on my older chicks. They have a cooler area to go if desired. The water was room temp or warmer (from the warmth of the lamp at the other end of the booder which is 3'x 2') Cannot understand why 8 died so quickly and 6 are fine. Thankful they are doing ok!
I am going on a long shot but I want to try to give you an extra head to think this one through...what about your equipment used during the hatch,and did you personally hatch them??If not what about during there transport to the place?? Im sorry that I am not of more help,and sorry for your loss..very upsetting I know,I will try to keep thinking of ideas or things that could have been a problem..hope your remaining baby's make it ok!!!
I am so sorry for your loss. Did you dip their beaks in the water so they would know where to find it? What is the temp under the lamp?
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I did dip a few of the chicks beaks. I had the lamp up about 18" from the floor. Hadn't checked the temp, had just been watching them to see if they seemed ok ( they had been all pecking around- not grouped together under or away from the lamp) I did check the temp after they started having problems and it was a few degrees warmer than 95 (97-98) directly under the lamp. I have since adjusted it. I wish I would have check it sooner. Not sure if it would have helped. Also, I wish I would have added the Save a Chick to the water at first. I didn't think they had been stressed at all with hatching at home (no shipping) I know some of them that died had been drinking .
Wondering if they could have been "gassed" by coating (teflon?) on heat lamp bulb?? I purchased the bulbs from Tractor Supply. They are the Westinghouse 250wt red heat lamp bulb. Found a few places online that list them as Teflon coated. Why would the sell these as bulbs to be used in a brooder lamp??? Very upsetting!! :( possibly my answer to such a puzzling mass death of my chicks.
I just had the same thing happen. just not as many died, only 5 of mine ;( I thought mine might have been due to some of the eggs I hatched were pullet eggs and therefore did not have as must of a yolk and maybe as many nutrients to start off with. other than that I am using the same techniques I have always used and haven't lost chicks before. very scary
I had 14 chicks hatch tuesday- wednesday (day 22-23). I have a Brinsea oct 20 advanced and picked up the eggs from a man that hatches 100 chicks a week. The chicks seemed healthy and strong. I have them in a brooder in my kitchen with lamp and paper towels for bedding. Yesterday morning I put in feed and water (both which had been cleaned before hand) I sprinkled starter (purina med) on the floor. All were pecking at it and acting normal until 1:30 yesterday when 1 started chirping very loudly. I went to check on it and it started flopping around chirping and within minutes it was dead! this happen one after the other with 8 chicks dying within 1 1/2 hours. The other six seem to be fine so far. The feed is the same feed I am feeding to my 3 1/2 wk old chicks. I added save a chick to the water last night but other than that I have changed nothing. I did not spray anything in the air or use any chemicals. Cannot understand how chicks acting fine one minute could be dead a few minutes later. Horrible to watch :( This is the first chicks we have hatched and I am new to raising chicks. I have read everything that I can find and nothing explains something like this. I called the man where I got the eggs (and other chicks) and he said he has never heard of anything like this. Any ideas what could have caused such a mass sudden death of normal acting chicks??
....the same thing happened last nite with me.. 20 out of 25 chicks seemingly healthy all day started chirping loudly and flopping around and they just died. It was a horrific scene. I need to understand why before the next hatch date.
After doing more research this could possibly be called "sudden death syndrome" or "flip-over".

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