When do chicks not need electrolytes/probiotics ?


5 Years
Mar 4, 2019
Northern California
The title really says it all, yet I have a few more questions:

1. When do chicks not need electrolytes and probiotics in their water anymore? My babies are about 3 and half weeks old and I have been putting less and less in their water... should I keep doing this until they don’t need it or should I still put it in their water??

2. What is the schedule for the chick food? Right now I’m feeding them starter food, when should I switch them over to the next food... and what is the next food.. and when do they not need special food and can just eat regular adult feed???

When I put them outside and with our other already existing flock, at age 5 weeks can I just feed them all together the same food? (The food that I feed the adults?) if not, I want them to all be together (all chickens) and how would I separate their food when I mix both new and old flock?

Sorry about all the questions ❤️❤️
Right now I’m feeding the chicks:


And for the adults I’m feeding them crumbles

Also it’s been 4 years since we last got a new flock and I forgot how we did it... this time I want to do it the professional way ;) :p
I don't use either of those in chicks' water.
I give everyone Purina Flock Raiser, for all ages, right from the start. There are equivalent all flock feeds in other brands.
I’ll try that feed. I just want the chickens to all be able to eat the same food when I mix them and hopefully I can at the age I want to mix, (5 to 6 weeks)
And for the adults I’m feeding them crumbles

What kind of crumbles? If they're layer, then don't feed that to the chicks. If they're all flock or grower, then the chicks can graduate to that without problem.

If it is layer you can put the entire flock on all flock or grower and just have oyster shell on the side for any laying hens.
What kind of crumbles? If they're layer, then don't feed that to the chicks. If they're all flock or grower, then the chicks can graduate to that without problem.

If it is layer you can put the entire flock on all flock or grower and just have oyster shell on the side for any laying hens.
I don’t know right now, we threw away the bag (because we keep the food in a Garbage container) but it’s not layer, I don’t know the brand but I’ll try and get all flock food...

I never knew that was a thing...

And we do feed them oyster shells but right now I tried a new type of food.
I mixed oyster shells, diatomaceous earth, and a little cat food into the crumbles:

But with the chicks I won’t do that.

Oh and one more question i love to use diatomaceous earth to help with the worms, will that be ok when the chicks join the flock at 5 to 6 weeks of age for it to be in their food.. i don’t think it will hurt. I will definitely use less but I just want to know what you think and your opinion about it!
Electrolytes are not to be used with Birds long term. It's hard on the heart due to the salt content. Fresh water and age appropriate feed is all they need. DE does not worm Birds. Too much hype on the internet about AVC, probiotics, electrolytes and DE.

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