Will Orpingtons and Polish get along in the same flock?

Jan 12, 2019
I am new to chickens.

I read about varying sizes of chickens as well as crested breeds and non-crested breeds can be a problem (not crested pecking at the crest of the Polish). I was not certain if this was relating to when you adding to an established flock with adult hens or is it different with chicks raised together?

I definitely want some Polish chickens. I also, love the looks of Jubilee Orpington which are large but also from reading are docile chickens.

I have read that Polish are generally on the bottom of the pecking order.

If the Orpington and Polish are hatched at the same time and they are raised as day old chicks together, is the size difference and the mixing of crested and non-crested still an issue?

Thank you,
Raising them together, and making sure there are multiple polish, as well as more than enough room and hiding spots can up your chances of having no problems.

Polish like going high, so having spots they can get up on will help. If you experience problems keeping the crests trimmed on the polish can help them see other birds coming.

It's always best to keep polish by themselves but it can work if done right.
It certainly is not an issue with the tiny OEG bantams and mixed standard breeds that I have raised together in the past. (sometimes, I have late hatches, and they winter together in the rabbit coop/isolation hut.)

I have never had Polish, so take this with a grain of salt, but I do not imagine it will be a problem, if you do as you have described and have sufficient space.
we have polish that we raised with our flock. there have been no issues with any of the chickens, Dorkings, Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Whitings, Brahmas, or Cochins, picking on the two we have. I plan on raising polish with any new additions as well, so they aren't seen as "strange".
Great. Thank you so much for your response. Were the Polish raised as chicks with the others or were they introduced later? How many Polish do you have?
yeah they were all raised together! I have two, both buff laced. We are getting more chicks this spring and I am looking for a different color to raise with them. They are highly entertaining- a bit flighty as babies, but by 8 weeks they are pretty laid back. At least, that was our experience with polish chicks.

ETA: actually, our jubilees were not exactly raised with them, but they came to live with us when they were all about 8 weeks. But we only got 2 jubilees added to about 15 others, so that may be both personality and peer pressure.

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