Winter Gardens/ Greenhouse!



Sancta Maria Mater Dei!
Premium Feather Member
Apr 23, 2023
Hello everyone!
I have decided to start my own thread because I wanted to share pictures of my wooden greenhouse I made out of scrap pieces of wood and my winter garden! And maybe some tips too😉

I would love to see your winter gardens and greenhouse!
Feel free to share tips, advice and what ever you feel like sharing 🥰 ☺️


Inside I've got some lettuce and dill sprouting

And some cabbage

Over the next weeks I hope everything gets bigger. I have some carrots, zucchinis and basil I will share pictures of later, that is also growing in my greenhouse☺️

Hope you enjoy !
Since you are gardening,,, it would be good to post your location. It is much easier to give advice based on climate. If you want to be less specific about your location, then just post your zone.
View attachment 3695302

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :highfive:
Yes! Sorry about that! I live in El Paso Tx
By the way @Sally PB I thought I was following you but I really wasn't! I'm sorry!
No worries! :)

In 2019, my hubby built me a green house. I use it to start my tomato and other starts. It's passive solar heat, so winter growing is scanty at best. When the sun is low in the sky, ie, November - February, I can't really "grow" anything. I can sort of grow greens, but veeeeerrry slowly. Not like I can stop buying spinach or lettuce.

I have an idea that I used to good effect last spring with my tender plant starts. I have two folding tables covered with black weed block fabric. (The only use I have for weed block fabric, btw, and only because it's black. The name "weed block" is a total joke.) I put the pots on the tables, and the black helps their soil warm up. Then I cover them with clear totes. So, a green house inside a green house.

Ooops. I don't have a picture of this.
No worries! :)

In 2019, my hubby built me a green house. I use it to start my tomato and other starts. It's passive solar heat, so winter growing is scanty at best. When the sun is low in the sky, ie, November - February, I can't really "grow" anything. I can sort of grow greens, but veeeeerrry slowly. Not like I can stop buying spinach or lettuce.

I have an idea that I used to good effect last spring with my tender plant starts. I have two folding tables covered with black weed block fabric. (The only use I have for weed block fabric, btw, and only because it's black. The name "weed block" is a total joke.) I put the pots on the tables, and the black helps their soil warm up. Then I cover them with clear totes. So, a green house inside a green house.

Ooops. I don't have a picture of this.
Wow! How interesting! That's a very good and neat idea! Yes, black keeps things warm ☺️

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