Would a BBS + paint pen be possible?


Jan 27, 2022
I want to work towards BBS + paint in my silkies. I don't actually have a desire to breed splash right now, so it would be black, blue and paint. From my understanding if I bred a black rooster with my black, blue, blue cuckoo and paint hens I would get:
Black, blue, cuckoo (males only), blue cuckoo (males only), paint and blue paint.
So I could easily add paint into blacks and blues without creating a big mess?

Also question about this pullet. Her mother is a blue cuckoo and father is a heterozygous dominant white with red leakage in the shoulders.
Could this pullet have pure blue colored chicks or close to a solid blue if I bred her to a pure black rooster? I would consider her color a blue with silver leakage, but I'm not sure if that is the proper term for it.
I think a BB paint pen would be possible, but I think the only way to get a BBS paint pen would be to have a blue male and white, blue and black females
Thanks! I'm currently more interested in a BB paint pen, since I will be keeping a black rooster this year. And the next rooster I keep will likely depend on his other traits and not color.

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