Yellow membrane on external I need to help?

I imagine he feels like I did after my first baby and 27 hours of labor with nothing to show for it yet!
I hear that. My son was born 21 hours after my water broke after a very hard and complicated As long as he is active and that inner membrane is not glued to him, he should make his way out. He sounds like he's pretty strong. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
So I woke up and checked, and have 2 beautiful ducklings! But my first pipper is still stuck, no further progress. do I have totally assist or give up? He's still peeping.
He's out @AmyLynn2374!! I read and reread assisting a hatch and felt like it was what he needed. I wet his membranes, picked off almost half his shell, no veining, and put him back in. His darn foot was on top of his head! As soon as his head was freer, he slid out. Hopefully he will be fine and I made the right choice. 4th duckling zipping too!
5 Little ducks! I see how this can be addictive. And my kids woke up literally just in time to see the fifth one hatch. Magic.
That's great!! Congrats!!! I would have assisted by then too. My first malepositioned chick was the same way. Her foot came down over her beak. I was shocked when I enlarged the pip hole and met toes and a beak, it was not what I had expected. lol You did good!!! Pat yourself on the back!!!
I'm also pretty sure I scoffed at hatchers that stayed up all night when I first started reading these threads. Haha on me!

How long do they NEED to stay in the bator? I have another (last) egg that I need to look at...he pipped in the wrong end yesterday morning With little progress.
I'm also pretty sure I scoffed at hatchers that stayed up all night when I first started reading these threads. Haha on me!

How long do they NEED to stay in the bator? I have another (last) egg that I need to look at...he pipped in the wrong end yesterday morning With little progress.
Well, it depends on who you as always. A lot of people won't move babies to the brooder until hatch is done and over. I move my babies as they hatch and become active. When to move chicks or in your case ducklings to the brooder is a personal choice. Like anything else, as long as your humidity is up there for any other eggs, pulling them out when you are comfortable to do so should be fine. Good luck on the malepositioned one.And once I start incubating sleep is a foriegn


6 gorgeous babies, I am so amazed. All 6 safely out, the last baby did it on his own! Thank you again so, so much, @AmyLynn2374. Hopefully they will all continue to thrive, and I'm sure I'll have more questions!

We have them separated within the brooder at the moment until they get on their feet. The Cayugas are watching them like a zoo exhibit. It's so funny!

For my own edification, almost all the eggs had a greenish, mucousy goo in them after the ducks hatched out. Is that poop, non-absorbed yolk, something else? Normal? Thanks again!

6 gorgeous babies, I am so amazed. All 6 safely out, the last baby did it on his own! Thank you again so, so much, @AmyLynn2374 . Hopefully they will all continue to thrive, and I'm sure I'll have more questions!

We have them separated within the brooder at the moment until they get on their feet. The Cayugas are watching them like a zoo exhibit. It's so funny!

For my own edification, almost all the eggs had a greenish, mucousy goo in them after the ducks hatched out. Is that poop, non-absorbed yolk, something else? Normal? Thanks again!
Awesome!!! Congratulations! That's wonderful. Egg goo. People call it different stuff, I've even heard it refered to as "egg boogers" lol It's poop/waste all that good slimely Perfectly normal.

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