Young goose walking on tiptoes


Mar 20, 2022
Central texas
Hi everyone-I apologize it’s been awhile since I’ve visited.
One of my bonded goose is walking on her tiptoes and limps a little. My first thought was Bumblefoot but I don’t really notice anything out of the norm. Her balls on bottom of feet are very soft. Then I’m thinking maybe vitamin deficiency again. So been upping the niacin with nutritional flakes and giving her a dose orally of the vit b complex. She seems to get relief in her pool which I assume gets the weight off her legs.(spends majority time in pool) Any thoughts on what could be going on and what I’m missing?I also have a video of her walking so you can see what I’m talking about. Can anyone remind me how to paste a video? For now I’ve sent a photo which is not a very good one. Also been trying to compare her legs to the others for bowleggedness. Very hard for me to distinguish.
Thank you for reading.


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Hi everyone-I apologize it’s been awhile since I’ve visited.
One of my bonded goose is walking on her tiptoes and limps a little. My first thought was Bumblefoot but I don’t really notice anything out of the norm. Her balls on bottom of feet are very soft. Then I’m thinking maybe vitamin deficiency again. So been upping the niacin with nutritional flakes and giving her a dose orally of the vit b complex. She seems to get relief in her pool which I assume gets the weight off her legs.(spends majority time in pool) Any thoughts on what could be going on and what I’m missing?I also have a video of her walking so you can see what I’m talking about. Can anyone remind me how to paste a video? For now I’ve sent a photo which is not a very good one. Also been trying to compare her legs to the others for bowleggedness. Very hard for me to distinguish.
Thank you for reading.
hi. the pic does look a little bowed leg. to post a video you can go to the gallery page on here, and follow the instructions from there. Or you can load it to a platform such as Vimeo or YouTube first and then post the link here I find it easier to just do it that way.
hi. the pic does look a little bowed leg. to post a video you can go to the gallery page on here, and follow the instructions from there. Or you can load it to a platform such as Vimeo or YouTube first and then post the link here I find it easier to just do it that way.
Ok thank you. I think the YouTube was how I did before. Couldn’t remember. I’m not very tech savvy.
If she is bowlegged bad what is the correction I could do? Is it the niacin and continuing to give her the vit b complex?
How old is your goose? How long has she been having these symptoms?
About a year old. And I noticed it about 10 days ago. I’ve been giving her vit b complex for about 5 days, giving them peas(they never really care for it) and sprinkle nutritional flakes pretty often. Not sure what else to do. Can’t do the vets here. Don’t have good results with them and they charge outrageously. These are the same babies I’ve gotten y’all’s help with last year. And they have been doing great. And now this…I’m worried and don’t want to see her hurting.
I have video but waiting til I can get my husband to help me post it.
About a year old. And I noticed it about 10 days ago. I’ve been giving her vit b complex for about 5 days, giving them peas(they never really care for it) and sprinkle nutritional flakes pretty often. Not sure what else to do. Can’t do the vets here. Don’t have good results with them and they charge outrageously. These are the same babies I’ve gotten y’all’s help with last year. And they have been doing great. And now this…I’m worried and don’t want to see her hurting.
I have video but waiting til I can get my husband to help me post it.
The only way people have managed to upload a video is by posting it on instagram, YouTube, or Vimeo and then posting a link to it here.

Is this the same goose that had wide hips?

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